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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christian Group to Hold Christmas Eve 'Celebration of Christ's Birth' at U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree After Religious Symbols are Prohibited from Being Displayed

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas is Tough on the Non-Religious

Evangelist Alveda King: Merry Christmas Message 2021

Friday, December 17, 2021

Parents Win Over Unconstitutional Quarantine Policy

Archbishop Gomez's Finest Hour

Thursday, December 16, 2021

United Airlines Has Pilot Shortage Following Shot Mandate

State Rep. Briscoe Cain Named Recipient of Operation Rescue's 2021 Pro-Life Person of the Year Malachi Award for His Work on the Texas Heartbeat Act

Digital Press Conference: A Stunning Shake-Up on Watchlist of World's Worst Enemies of Faith

Update: Capitol Officials will not Confirm if There are ANY Decorations on the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Displaying or Celebrating the Birth of Christ After Government Regulations Banned all 'Religious Symbols'

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christian Community Credit Union Donates $5,000 to Samaritan's Purse Tornado Disaster Relief Effort

Amtrak Reverses Course from Shot Mandate

100 Christmases Gives Christmas to Children of Incarcerated Parents

NEA Dumps Militant Board Member

Contempt Vote of Mark Meadows is Politics at its Worst says FRC's Tony Perkins

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Pro-Abortion Fans Continue To Lie

The Microneedle-Patch, Quantum-Dot-Tattoo Mark of the Beast

Churches Release Christmas 'Compassion Surge' As Russia Battles Fourth COVID Wave

Monday, December 13, 2021

Operation Rescue Applauds SCOTUS' Ruling that Keeps the Texas Heartbeat Act in Place

Cece Winans Gives Thanks for a Remarkable Year After Being Named Top Gospel Female Artist on Billboard Year-End Charts and Receiving Three 2022 Grammy Award Nominations

Friday, December 10, 2021

DOD Continues to Threaten Military Entitled to Religious Exemption

The Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Ban to Stay in Place While Lawsuits by Abortion Providers can Move Forward

Nativity Scene Erected in Central Park

Thursday, December 09, 2021

National Guard Deployed in ME and NY Following Shot Mandates

Capitol Punishment - The Movie that Reveals to the World the True Story of January 6, 2021

Unite Our Hearts: Hymn Texts by Women is Now Available

Are Decorations of the Nativity Scene, Baby Jesus and the Holy Family Being Banned from Being Displayed on the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree?

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Open Letter to NEA President

Dr. Joe Martin Appears on Dad Devotionals Podcast -- To Get Real with Christian Men

47 Inter-faith Groups, Individuals Call for Biden Administration to Reinstate Nigeria as Country of Particular Concern

Another Biden Shot Mandate is Down

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