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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

As Food Crisis Looms in Haiti, Lutheran World Relief Responds

Evangelical Leaders Send Atomic Fireballs to Congress

World Gospel Mission Helping Haitian Earthquake Survivors with PTSD

Making a Difference in the Community with Innovative Partnerships

Operation Rescue Urges Wasinger to Withdraw from Kansas Congressional Race

Bart Stupak Goes 'POOF!'

Help Stop Youth Violence by Saying NO to Kick-Ass the Movie

Spanish Language Catholic Store launched by The Catholic Company

Over 100 Groups Provided Audio Bibles for Haitian Outreach

Monday, April 12, 2010

Congress Mourns Polish President Lech Kaczynski – Patron of World Congress of Families IV

The Golden Rule Pledge is an Alternative to Walking Out of School on April 16, 2010

FBI Destroyed File on Obama's Grandfather, Journalist Discloses

'Love Letters' from God to be Discovered on Crossroads' 100 'Huntley Street'

Bestselling Fiction Writer Michael O'Brien Releases New Book

Evangelicals Support Nuclear Reduction

Response to Cardinal Ratzinger's 1985 Letter to Bishop Cummins of Oakland -- By Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.

School Flyer Promotes Comprehensive Message to LGBT Students

A Second Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Caught on Tape Giving Misleading Medical Information

Unregistered Baptist Fellowship Adopts Resolution Insisting Homosexuals be Banned from Serving in U.S. Military

Christian Leaders to Risk Arrest in Front of White House Speaking Out and Praying for Human Rights and Religious Liberty in China

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Computer Repair Website Sets Up Goal to Raise $250,000 for Christian Churches in America

Friday, April 09, 2010

Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life on Justice Stevens' Retirement

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month Founder Speaks Out

Stevens Retires, Will the President Nominate Another Radical

Stupak Retirement Paves Way for True Pro-Life Leader

Neb. Fetal Pain Bill Advanced: Late-Term Bills in Two States Could Limit Carhart's Abortion Business

Stupak to Retire -- Will His Turncoat Gang Follow

Former Promise Keepers Executive Rick Wright Joins Sky Angel

Rob Liefeld's Apocalyptic Graphic Novel Makes Digital Debut on iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone

Westboro Baptist Church is a Cult

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