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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Christians in Ukraine Celebrate Hope at Easter

Simple Church Leader Grateful for Glenn Beck's Comments on Social Justice

Monday, April 05, 2010

Pro-Life Action League the Target of Mail Fraud; Offers Counsel for Other Organizations Facing Reputation Attacks

Joel and Victoria Osteen to Hold Historic 'Night of Hope' at Los Angeles Dodger Stadium

On the Third Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Shootings, a Pastor Reflects on the 'Why, God?' Questions in Church Executive Magazine Interview

Gay Cover-Up Must End

Church Security Conference Goes 'Beyond the Basics'

Crimes on Easter Sunday Show Once Again that Churches are Vulnerable

Protest Erupts as Gallaudet University Plans Offensive Homosexual 'Jesus' Play with Federal Tax Dollars

Open Doors USA among Signers of Letter to President Obama Urging Ambassador Appointment

Kenyan Legislature Approves Pro-Abortion Constitution: WCF Offers Full Support to Forces Opposed to Ratification

An Invitation to a Life of Prayer -- Discovering God in Such a Time as This

Friday, April 02, 2010

Zondervan to Publish More Than 1,000 Christian Titles for iPad Launch

A Voice from the Past

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thomas More Society Undaunted by Ruling; Will Press Forward with Vigorous ND88 Defense

Advocates International Joins Nigerian Lawyers in Decrying Sectarian Murder of Christians in Africa

SBA List Candidate Fund Endorses Cecile Bledsoe in Arkansas' Third Congressional District

SBA List Candidate Fund Endorses Rep. Sue Myrick for Re-election in North Carolina's Ninth District

Gun Saint Society Honors Fort Hood Police Heroes

Zondervan and GoBible Offer Free Preview of NIV Bible for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

Comfort Celebrates Texas Victory Over Secret Service

Mission Doctors Association Announces the One Million Patients Project

Mississippi Personhood Amendment Officially on 2011 Ballot

Vivendi Entertainment and Possibility Pictures Host the World Premiere of 'Letters to God'

Christian Leaders Lament Foreign Governments' Lack of Attention, Concern Over Iranian Nuclear Program

Scott Roeder Sentencing: Randall Terry to Appear Live on TruTV (Formerly Court TV)

Alpha Omega Publications Announces Start of Annual Spring Sale

Thomas More Society Co-Sponsors Fourth Annual Easter Sunrise Service in Chicago's Daley Plaza

Rally to Support Nigeria's Persecuted Christians

What Happens When a Pope is Persecuted

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