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Friday, March 26, 2010

Luis Palau Back in China to Meet with Officials, 14,000 Hear the Evangelist and Rev. James Meeks

New Regs on 'Gays' in Military Will Undercut Morale

Yoest: States are Eager to Opt-Out of Abortion Provisions

Affirming Love, Avoiding AIDS -- What Africa Can Teach the West

Howard Dayton Forms New Financial Ministry

What do Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Heath Ledger and Corey Haim Have in Common

Joint Statement--Gospel of Life Ministries, Life Issues Institute, and the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues -- New United Outreach to Save the Lives of Unborn Children Globally

Charismatic Renewal Turns 50; Author of New Book Talks About Highs and Lows

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chile Earthquake Relief Clothing Drive

Relax Enforcement When Gays Commit 10% of Military-on-Military Assaults?

New Film Reveals the 'Not-So-Politically-Correct' and Shocking Truth About Street Preaching -- Sneak Peak Just Released

Pro-Life Action League Reaches Agreement with Aurora in First Amendment Battle

Live Action Responds to Community College's Censorship of its Pro-Life Magazine

Governor Sarah Palin to Keynote Susan B. Anthony List Celebration of Life Breakfast on May 14, 2010

Pro-Life Office Inundated with Hateful Calls in Wake of Health Care Vote

The 'Our Father' and Prayer Explained by Experienced Retreat Master and Spiritual Writer

Women Do Not Feel Safe With Holder at the Helm

Good, Clean Read for the Family: New Author Releases a Lifetime of Memories Through His Poetry and Other Works

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Speaker Pelosi Praises United Methodist Support for Obamacare

Thomas More Society Settles Federal Lawsuit Against City of Aurora

Social Networking Picks Top Book Trailer

Exclusive Video Coverage of the Faith Leaders at 'March for America' in Washington, DC

Socialist Jim Wallis Exposed

Orange + The Barna Group: The Intersection of the Church and Family Exclusive Report Released at The Orange Conference

Outcry from Across the County Continues Over FOX's 'Family Guy' Attack on Terri Schiavo

Gee, Thanks Bart Stupak, for that BOGUS Executive Order

Pro-life American Majority Locked Out

The Largest Last Supper: Portion Distortion Throughout the Millennium

President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid Show Anti-Woman Bias with Abortion Mandate

Romance Novel Highlights Ongoing Challenges in Africa

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