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Friday, January 22, 2010

Avatars of Palin, Huckabee, Romney, Pawlenty, McCain, McConnell, Boehner, Cantor, Pence, Dobson, Demint, Perry, Steele, and Others Virtually Descending on U.S. Capitol

2010 Christianity Today Book Awards Announced

Christian Marketplace Leaders Target Denver CO Feb 3-6 for 3rd Annual Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS)

37 Years Later, the Foundations of Roe Have Crumbled

On 37th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Poll Finds Majority of Americans, and Nearly 6 in 10 Young Adults, Say Abortion 'Morally Wrong'

Missionary Organization Says Networking Key to Haiti Relief Efforts

Haiti Relief 'Compassion Window' Still Open But for How Long?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Care Net on Roe Anniversary: Pregnancy Centers Flourish Yet Endure Numerous State Attacks

MAF Sends New KODIAK Aircraft, Crew to Haiti Relief Effort

Supreme Court Rules that Constitution Means What it Says

Kirk Franklin's 'Are You Listening: A Love Song for Haiti' Music Video World Premieres Fri. Jan. 22 at 7:00 PM ET Exclusively on GMC in Special One Hour Presentation

Crouse Sees Trouble for Obama's Agenda ... and his Future

Abortion Whistleblowers $10,000 Reward Campaign Intensifies

Governors Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee Join Virtual March for Life

Rev. Rob Schenck Greets Sen-Elect Scott Brown on Capitol Hill

Viguerie on Today's Supreme Court Decision: 'Good Riddance to Incumbent-Protection Censorship; Hello Insurgents'

1st International Conference of English Speaking Clergy Meet in Rome; Back Pope & New Missal

Pastor Donnie McClurkin to Raise Funds for Haitian Earthquake Relief at Jubilee Gala Celebration Monday, January 25th 2010

1 Million Pennies Tell White House 'Not One Cent for Abortion Funding in Health Care'

Silent No More Co-Founder Georgette Forney and Priests for Life National Director Fr. Frank Pavone to Speak at Walk for Life Saturday in San Francisco

Rock Church Volunteers Bring Together San Diegans to Complete Nearly $10 Million* of Service

Colorado Personhood Press Conference with Star of 'Bella'; Breaking News about Personhood Amendment to be Announced January 22

Will Kenneth Copeland Listen Now

TBN's Holy Land Experience to Contribute February 1st Ticket Revenue to Haiti Relief Effort

'Helping' the People of Haiti

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Abortion, Health Care, and a 'Virtual March.' Randall Terry Urges Pro-lifers to Take to the Streets on January 22

Dr. Alveda King to Planned Parenthood: Stop Lying About Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pro-life Activists to Display 1,000,000 Pennies in Front of the White House to Speak Out Against Taxpayer Funded Abortions in Health Care

Audio Bibles to Accompany Disaster Relief Teams

Scott Brown is a 'Moderate' Child-Killer; Pro-lifers Must Mute their Praise

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