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Thursday, January 21, 2010

1 Million Pennies Tell White House 'Not One Cent for Abortion Funding in Health Care'

Silent No More Co-Founder Georgette Forney and Priests for Life National Director Fr. Frank Pavone to Speak at Walk for Life Saturday in San Francisco

Rock Church Volunteers Bring Together San Diegans to Complete Nearly $10 Million* of Service

Colorado Personhood Press Conference with Star of 'Bella'; Breaking News about Personhood Amendment to be Announced January 22

Will Kenneth Copeland Listen Now

TBN's Holy Land Experience to Contribute February 1st Ticket Revenue to Haiti Relief Effort

'Helping' the People of Haiti

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Abortion, Health Care, and a 'Virtual March.' Randall Terry Urges Pro-lifers to Take to the Streets on January 22

Dr. Alveda King to Planned Parenthood: Stop Lying About Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pro-life Activists to Display 1,000,000 Pennies in Front of the White House to Speak Out Against Taxpayer Funded Abortions in Health Care

Audio Bibles to Accompany Disaster Relief Teams

Scott Brown is a 'Moderate' Child-Killer; Pro-lifers Must Mute their Praise

Richard Viguerie: Scott Brown Victory a Reflection that Grassroots Support for Conservative Candidates and Organizations at Historic Levels

President Obama Needs to Appoint Religious Freedom Ambassador

35,000 Pro Lifers in San Francisco This Saturday

GuidePosts' OurPrayer Ministry Announces First Ever 30 Days of Prayer Program

Agape Partners Incorporated Announces the Official Launch of Their New Website That is Dedicated to Christian Music and Christian Books

Churches Across UK to Tune in to 3-Minute Warning Video on YouTube this Sunday

Mission Agency President: Make Sure Your Hand, Heart, and Brain are Attached to Your Donation for Haiti Earthquake Relief

40 Days for Life Campaigns to Oppose Abortion in 156 Cities

Christians Gunned Down After Christmas Service in Egypt - White House Prayer Vigil January 21 Followed by a Peaceful Rally

Michael Youssef Shares Biblical Perspective on Natural Disaster in Haiti

Star Parker to Speak at March for Life Rally

Jennifer O'Neill and Dr. Alveda King Available for Interviews Thursday and Friday on the Silent No More Awareness Campaign

16th Annual National Clergy Conference for the Preborn and Their Mothers and Fathers to be Held This Friday Morning

From the Heights to the Battery-The 1st Annual Pilgrimage of New York City

The Third Choice Offered by Islam

GoDaddy.com Provides Viewers with Two Very Good Reasons to 'Tune Out' its 2010 Super Bowl Commercials

Top 10 Chinese Christian Persecution Cases of 2009 Report

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Are You in Search for Spiritual Meaning in Your Life

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