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Friday, October 30, 2009

New Book Honors the Memory of a Northwest Pioneer Missionary

Author Reaches 1.5 Million Sales Mark

'The Mysterious Islands'--A New Film Shot on the Galapagos Islands which Challenges Darwin--Premiers Opposite Darwin/Chicago 2009

Conservative Groups Ramp Up Efforts in Final Push for Hoffman

Teen Experts Contend: One Girl Can Change the World

Advocate USA Publishing Offers Free Review Copies of Progressive Christian Books Making Current Headlines

Catholic Families for America Calls on Newt Gingrich to Rescind Scozzafava Endorsement in NY-23 Special Election

Study Says Spirit Thinking Renews Hope for Effective Christian Self Help

IAM71.org Coalition to Protest the Obama-Pelosi-Carhart Scheme to Publically Fund Abortions

Pro-Life Activists to Lie Down on Pennsylvania Ave, in Front of the White House, to Form a Large Number 71

Thursday, October 29, 2009

ACLU Works to Kill Family Rights in Illinois

With Hate Crimes Law, Obama Triumphs Over Judeo-Christian Morality

Coalition Calls on Fellow Catholics to Help Reform the CCHD Now

Religious/Evangelical Left Claims Prophetic Voice in Push for Obamacare

American Bible Society Commemorates U.S. Visit of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with Exhibition at Museum of Biblical Art

Carhart at DC Rally with His Hand Out for Tax Funds for Abortions

Three Pro-life Advocates Arrested at Unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's Health Care Bill for Shouting, 'We Won't Pay for Murder with Our Tax Money!'

Pelosi's Bill Supported by Partial-Birth Abortionist

Is the Death of Christianity in America Near at Hand

Tennessee Proclaims it White Ribbons Against Pornography Week

GMC Celebrates 5th Birthday in 45 Million Homes & Counting

Pro-Life Democrats Hold 40 Votes to Help Pass Health Care Reform in House

New Report Shows Late-term Abortionist Martin Haskell Above the Law and Dangerous

'Crossing Twice' Gives Near Death Experience from Progressive Christian Viewpoint Stirs Far Right

Athletes to be Used for Globalist Purposes: International Olympic Committee Granted Observer Status at UN

Audio Bibles for India's Banjara Gypsies

Wikipedia Removes Bible Article

40 Days for Life Reaches Milestone: 2,000 Babies Saved from Abortion

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scholarship Fund Created for Families Hoping to Adopt a Child through Nightlight Christian Adoptions

Seven Skills to Achieve the Life You Desire

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