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Monday, September 21, 2009

Healthcare and Abortion -- See Videos -- Final 2 Days of Street Theatre, Protests, Preaching, and Lobbying in DC with Volunteers from 6 States

What the Church is Doing About Conflict is Not Right -- Introducing the Book, 'Hope in the Face of Conflict: Making Peace with Others the Way God Makes Peace with Us'

Elderly Pro-life Activist Attacked, Injured in Flagstaff

FDA Approves 4 New Swine Flu Vaccines -- None Use Aborted Fetal Cell Lines

In Tough Times, Kids Turn to 'Little Way' of St. Therese

Christian and Muslim Leaders to Hold Joint News Conference to Discuss Islamic Prayer Vigil on the Grounds of the United States Capitol this Week

Urgent and Authenticated Non-fiction Set to Unveil Freemason Truths. Important New Info RE e.g. Lockerbie Pan-Am 103/Megrahi

New Christian Book Exposes Subtle Faith Killers

The Organisation Human Life International and the US Politician Christopher Smith, 2009 Humanity Awards

Abortion Supporters Should Seek Facts before Calling People Racist Says Dr. Alveda King

Afghanistan Prayer Patrol Launched in Response to Rising Casualties

'Institute On The Constitution's' October 'First Friday' Speaker Richard Weikart Will Discuss Darwin-Hitler Connection

'End of the World' Myths Dupe Millions

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Clean Coal Using Plasma Furnaces

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lutheran World Relief to Host Book Discussion with Roger Thurow, Co-Author of ENOUGH: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty

'That's A Racist' Parody of 'That's Amore'

Author Slams Wall Street Journal for Bias

Florida Prayer Case Reveals ACLU Agenda to Criminalize Christianity

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson to Deliver Keynote at Project Rachel 25th Anniversary Dinner

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Please Tell the Truth Tony Perkins, Values Voters Deserve to Know

School Officials Cleared of Criminal Contempt Charges in Case Involving Prayer

10/40 Window Sunday 2009 - Mobilizing Prayer for the Most UnReached People on the Planet

Obama Interrupted at University of Maryland by 'Pro Life Moderate' Yelling: 'Liar!'

GMC Renews 'Four: Southern Gospel's Best' Series

Family Films are Killing R-rated Movies

On Eve of Values Voters Summit, Rasmussen Poll Shows Widespread Opposition to Government Funding of Abortion in Health Care Reform

Will Dialogue Promoter Notre Dame Jail Pro-Lifers? 'Drop Charges' Petition Launched by Catholic Student Group

Wake-Up Calls to Pakistani Government Go Unheeded with Deadly Results

Discover How You Can Take Back America in St. Louis Next Week

'The Message of the Cross' Goes Ends of the Earth

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