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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Steele Joins Ranks with Those Choosing Political Expediency Over Principles

Human Life from Conception to Natural Death Needs Protection Under any Health Care Plan

Skillet Soars into Street Week with #1 Album at iTunes, Radio Hits & Spectacular Reviews

Effort Begins to Send 1,000,000 Letters to President Obama

Pro-Life Activists Travel to Martha's Vineyard to Challenge President Obama on Taxpayer Funded Abortions in His Health Care Plan

Will Gun Laws Change in America? Attorney and Author Randy Singer Spotlights National Gun Debate

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ravi Zacharias and Other Top Scholars Set to Argue Their 'Case For Christianity'

Governor Schwarzenegger Must Veto 'Harvey Milk Gay Day'

'Go2' Launch their Debut CD 'PUSH'

ACLU's Request to Jail Lisa Miller Fails in Virginia Court

Susan B. Anthony List Launches Nevada Health Care Ad

Joni and Friends Disability Ministry Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Engaging Guest Available for News/Feature Story or Talk Show Appearance

Just Launched: Family Volunteering Web Portal for Christians

The Freedom Federation Holds Press Conference on Healthcare, Freedom, and the Sanctity of Life

SamarionSolution Installed in Covington Retirement Community

Obama, Abortion and Liberty

Completing the Church Building on St. Croix will Set the Stage for Evangelism

Unique Music Resource Offers New Ways to Inspire Young Singers

40 Bible Study Methods in One New Book

Earlier Reform Movements Have Lessons for Social Causes Today; Need to Anticipate 'Unstable People Doing the Unthinkable' as in Dr. George Tiller Murder

Court Rules that 'Sexual Orientation' Laws Include Former Homosexuals

Monday, August 24, 2009

FactCheck.org Says NRLC Correct on Abortion in Obama Health Bill

Press Conference: Personhood Amendment Launches State's First All-Volunteer Initiative

Kourtney Kardashian is Singing Our Song

Mission Aviation History to Hitch a Ride on Space Shuttle

Michelle Winkler is Cleared of Civil Contempt Charge in Santa Rosa County Prayer Case

The Faith and Freedom Institute to Conduct a Patriotic Prayer Rally in Washington, DC at Lafayette Park

IndyCar Driver Davey Hamilton to Appear at Dallas Motor Show August 26th

Four Women Called to Serve Christ; Their Stories Available on CD

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