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Monday, August 24, 2009

TBN Now on Cablevision Throughout Greater New York City, New Jersey

Answers Offered for Times of Loss, Uncertainty

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Organization Says They Know the Solution to Pandemic Decline in US Church Attendance

Friday, August 21, 2009

San Diego Public School Dance Teacher Fired for Playing Song with Christ in it

Authors Give Away Thousands of Books

Public Agrees that Clunkers Should Not be Destroyed

President Obama's Lame Duck Status Gets an Early Start Thanks to His Radical Pro-Abortion Policies and Health Care Reform

Pro-Life Leader Blasts Planned Parenthood President for Dishonest Attack on US Bishops

Oregon Law Bans Teachers from Wearing Religious Attire

Your Clunker Could Put Someone on the Road to Self-Reliance

Citizens to Host Town-Hall Meeting in Lieu of Representatives, Senators

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Does the Ticking Time Bomb in the Middle East Threaten All of Mankind

Evangelism with a Kick - CMAC Releases New Book for Faith-Based Martial Arts & Fitness Instructors

Sad: Declining Lutheran Denomination Liberalizes Sex Teachings

A Woman Fights for her Life and the Church is Culpable: a Call to Repentance

CWA and Others: Stop the Abortion Mandate

Prominent Clergy Group Launches Health Care Prayer Campaign on Facebook

Obama Goes Religious to Sell His Health Care Program

California Christian School Defies Economy as Public Schools Get the Axe

Back-To-School 'Secrets' About Bullying

New Church Resources Available for Max Lucado's Timely Book 'Fearless'

Exposing America's Darkest Secrets

Healthcare and Abortion: Randall Terry Leads Protests and Press Conferences in 10 Cities in Five States

Orissa One Year Later: Fear, Persecution Remain High

FBI Agents Visit the Home and Question Nationally Known Christian Activist and Outspoken Critic of President Obama's Human Rights and Social Justice Record

Christian Author Announces Internet Training

'The Biblical Dinner', a Brilliant 'Must See' Documentary Film Releases This Month. Every Man and Woman…Christian or not Must See This Film

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama Says 'Government Funding of Abortion' is 'Fabrication,' But the White House-Backed House Bill Explicitly Authorizes It

Susan B. Anthony List on President Obama's Health Care Conference Call

US District Court Hears Arguments for Additional Plaintiffs, Sets Trial for Proposition 8 Challenge

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