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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Crossroads Career Network Hosts Career Ministry Conference for Churches in Midwest on September 12

Don't Waste Your Life Wraps in Atlanta

Trump Alum's 'Gut Check' a 'Modern-Day Classic'

Church Growth Means Famine Relief Needed in Uganda


True Love Waits Releases Pure Parenting: Teaching Your Teen Why True Love Waits

Bad Economy Means Kids go to Grandparents, not Camp

New Obama-Joker Poster as Outrageous as Obama-Care

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Lady of Guadalupe Debuts on Several Prominent Best-Sellers Lists

New NRLC Resources on Abortion in Health Care Bills

IRD Challenges U.S. Churches to Stand with Persecuted Pakistani Christians

Boston Night of Worship 2009 to Feature Ron Kenoly and More Than 30 Worship Leaders on Stage at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Did God Abandon The Inconvenient Child?

Dr. Alveda King on Capitol Hill Tomorrow: Health Reform Should Include the Unborn and Elderly as Recipients of Care, Not Victims of Genocide

'Institute On The Constitution' Speaker Michael Anthony Peroutka Will Discuss 'Interposition: What Our State and Local Officials Must do to Stem the Tide of Federal Lawlessness Which is Destroying Our Country'

Dr. Alveda King to Appear at Capitol Hill Health Care Reform Press Conference

New Tool in the Fight Against Mental Illness

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mission Urges Obama and Congress to Amend CARS Clemency for Clunkers

Wesley Medical Center Promises to Keep Carhart, Abortions Out

United Kingdom National Health Service Raises a 'Red Flag' about ObamaCare

A Message to President Obama: Peace in the Middle-East Inseparably Linked to Peace for the Coptic Christians of Egypt

Forty College Students Converge in Nation's Capital this Saturday as They Finish Summer Long Walk from California to Washington, DC to Testify to America's Pro-Life Beliefs

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wine and Love Brings Much Needed Funds for Local Charities

NRLC Announces 'Tim Ryan, Pro-Life Impersonator' Webpage

Concerned Roman Catholics Blast the K of C Double-Standard on Abortion

GOD TV Marks San Francisco Launch with Celebration of Hope

Hillary Care II -- The 'No-Choice' Act

Lutheran CORE to Defend Traditional Marriage and Uphold Biblical Teaching on Sexuality

Thomas Nelson Launches Max Lucado's Fearless with Unprecedented Social Media Campaign

Bridges to Contemplative Living: A Resource for Small Group Dialogue

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