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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Gospel Music Channel Posts 185% Growth in Subscribers and Projects 47.1 Million Television Households by Year End

Tonight in Lodi: Stand Up for Jesus Rally

Court Turns Down Pastor Hoye's Challenge to 'Mother May I' Ordinance

Boxcar Children Redux: Author Provides Christian Perspective with Classic Mystery Style

Cash for Clunkers Could Hurt the Homeless

No Pardons for Thousands of North Korean Prisoners

No. 2 in Michael Catt's 'Power of' Series

11 Congressmen Express Concern to Secretary Clinton Regarding Suppression of Rights Defense Attorneys

Pro-Life Organizations Announce Major National Campaign to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions in the Obama/Pelosi Health Care Plan

Suffering from Christianish?

A Mission Conference for Business Professionals

Brian Rohrbough DVD Now Available from 'Institute On The Constitution' and is One Pro-Life Presentation You will Never Forget

Abortion, Pro-life, Randall Terry, and the Los Angeles Times: Is a 'Hit Piece' Coming, or will it be Fair

Obama Says, 'America is Not Christian a Nation'

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

IRS Officially Grants Tax Exempt Status to New Non-Profit Group, Coalition for Life of Iowa

The World's Greatest Book of Answers

Alpha Omega Publications Announces Release of 2009 Switched-On Online Elective Courses

Johnson, McBerry, and Oxendine Lead in GA Governor's Race in Standing for Life

Believers Invited to Explore the Effects of Religious Persecution on Evangelism

Living a Life of Radical Worship

PFOX Director Nominated for Award for Distinguished Service to Public Education

Comments on Health Care by President of CRAVE

Monday, August 03, 2009

Planned Parenthood Brings Anti-Parent Lawsuit Says Fr. Pavone

Shootings of Tel Aviv Teens Denounced by Mission America

Logan The Sky Angel Cowboy's TV Special Airs August 4th on Sky Angel's 'Angel Two' Channel

Radical Group Damages Offices of World Congress of Families V Conference Organizer

'Back to Church' Campaign to Woo 'De-churched" and 'Un-churched'

Support for God's Marriage Strong, Catholic Group Finds After Three State Tour

Independent Conservative Candidate Runs for Missouri's 7th District Seat

Time to Move Toward a Cure for HIV/AIDS: Why the News Media is Silent

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