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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

'FAITH' Can Move Mountains

Riveting Insights into the Dark World of Deception

Verse for Verse; Poetry Paired with Scripture

Jimmy Carter is Wrong

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Survey Reveals Shocking Data about People's Perceptions of Homelessness

Wanted: A Craigslist Alternative That's Safe for Families

New Poll Provides More Evidence that Abortion Hurts Women Say 'Silent No More' Leaders

Not One Dime For Tax-Funded Abortion in Obama's Health Care Plan

Tough Answers for Social Issues -- Hidden Behind Closed Doors

JACQUES Initiative Joins Maryland AIDS Administration to Extend HIV Testing to the Faith-Based Community

Semi-Finals of Gospel Dream Weds. July 22 at 10PM ET on GMC

Cloud Ten Pictures to Distribute 'The River Within'

Newbie Missionaries Succeed with Missionary Discipleship Program

Abortion & Healthcare: Which Catholics Will Refuse to Pay Taxes? Will the Words of John Paul II Be Heeded? What Reactions Will Come from the Center - from the Fringes - If This Government Tries to Compel Us to Betray God, and Shed Innocent Blood?

Taxpayers Forced to Fund Abortion Bailout in Nation's Capital

Gospel Entertainment Company Continues to Expand its Vision

Guide Dog Helps Blind Man See: Dog Gone It! The True Story of Elko

Apollo 11 Splashdown -- First Frogman to Reach Astronauts -- Available for Interviews

YouTube Bans Student Group's Video Showing Abuse at Planned Parenthood, Group Protests Politically Motivated Censorship

Monday, July 20, 2009

Obama-Backed Health Care Bills Threaten Biggest Expansion of Abortion Since 'Roe v. Wade,' says National Right to Life

Churches Making Money by Making Movies

Discussion of Falling Birthrates Will Be Front and Center at World Congress of Families V

Abortion, Healthcare, and Social Upheaval: Pro-Life Leaders to Discuss Backlash -- Including Potential of Unwanted Violence -- DC Press Conference Set for Tuesday

Award-Winning Standard Publishing Announces VBS 2010: Hero Headquarters

Book Review Points to Danger in Quoting the Bible

GOD TV Tops 20 Million Homes in the USA

President Obama, Stop Playing Games and Manipulating the American Public Concerning Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Intimacy with God: Having the Closeness You Crave

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rep. Tiahrt's Abortion Remarks Reveal Painful Truth Liberals Don't Want Public to Know

Friday, July 17, 2009

'Will Someone Please Tell Randall Terry to Shut Up?' Washington Post Releases Feature Story

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