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Friday, July 03, 2009

OC-Based House Church Says Church Building Got in the Way of Discipleship

Ohio Supreme Court's Decision Protects Privacy of Abusers Says Fr. Pavone

Thursday, July 02, 2009

What Should Church Leaders Say to Islamic Society of North America this Weekend

Gun Saint Society Honors Kentucky Pastor for July 4th and 2nd Amendment Commemoration

Matt Redman Encourages Worship as a Response in Times of Struggle on Aug. 25 Release, We Shall not be Shaken

Now Anyone can Stop the Mouth of an Atheist or Cultist by Simply Asking the Right Questions

Randall Terry to Make 12 City Tour to Mobilize Opposition to Sotomayor. Also, Tens of Thousands of 'Defeat Sotomayor' Brochures Have Been Mailed. Brochure can be Seen at www.OverturnRoe.com (Sotomayor's Face is Morphed into the Angel of Death)

U.S. District Court Hears Arguments to Suspend Proposition 8

Stand for Marriage Maine Coalition Launches Web Site

Ohio High Court Endangers Minors in the Name of Privacy

Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders Reports Need for Increasing Awareness of Eating Disorders in Males

Performer Honors Late Pope during Year for Priests

New Book Challenges Wall Street's Asset Allocation Paradigm

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Bott Radio Network FM Christian Talk Radio Expands Across Omaha, Lincoln & Southeast Nebraska at 88.5 FM

Audio Bibles for American Troops

GodStories: Explorations in the Gospel of God

Church Executive Magazine: Megapastor Kallestad Says His Church Won't Accept Gay Clergy

U.S. District Court Grants Intervenor Status to Prop. 8 Proponents in Case Challenging Law's Validity

Rock Church Pastor and Wife Sentenced to One Year of Labor Camp in Henan

With Digital Shift Complete, TBN Viewers Make Big Gains with Sharper Pictures, More Faith and Family-Friendly Channel Options

An All Out Blast for Africa on GOD TV

Sky Angel Added to Affinity4 Product Lineup

Little Egypt Minister Offers Wit, Wisdom, and Inspiration Enjoyed by Believers and Non-believers Alike

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TBN's Holy Land Experience Set for July 4th Musical Extravaganza

ChinaAid Calls for Prayer and Action on Behalf of Imprisoned Christian Shi Weihan

Anglican Mission Announces President's Transition: Brust to Church Plant

Acton Institute Says 'Lifestyle Tax' Just Camouflage for New Sin Taxes

Calvin's 500th Birthday Celebrated: Critics and Supporters Agree He was America's Founding Father

Vision America Proud to Participate in Freedom Federation

Why Can't Scientists Believe in God

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