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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bible's Most Inspiring Verses Revealed

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Beijing Church Website Forcibly Shut Down by Government

Henan House Church Raided; Six Christians Receive Administrative Detention

Don Feder to Discuss Pro-Obama Media Coverage on Savage Nation

Advocates International Joins Many in the International Community Urging Peru to End the Violence against its Indigenous People and Return to the Negotiating Table

Don't Give Up Hope, Says Pro-Family Leader: Launches Free pdf Textbook Teaching How to Re-Build Family-Centered Culture

Medimmune Will Use Moral Sources for Swine Flu

'Apostles of Comedy Movie' World Premieres on GMC June 19 & 20

Pro-life Groups will Hold Prayer Vigils, Memorial Outside Tiller's Closed Abortion Clinic

Pro-life Leader Slams Proposed State-Sponsored Sexualization of Latin American Children

RPTS Systematics Professor Dr. Richard C. Gamble Releases Biblical Theology with P & R Publishing

WWJD? Movie Premiers

Georgia Preacher Rescued Apollo 11 Astronauts

Pro-Life and Faith Leaders to Sponsor Prayer Vigil and Memorial at the Clinic of Dr. George Tiller on Saturday, June 20

Bill O'Reilly Wrong; Murdering the Unborn by Abortion, at Any Stage of Development, is Never 'Legal' Because Such Murder Violates the Law of God

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letter from Conservative Leaders Implores Senators to Filibuster Hate Crimes Bill

This Father's Day, Give the Gift of Reconciliation

Coalition Press Conference: Obama's Appointments and Policies Reflect Extreme Homosexual Agenda

Calvin Klein's 'Racy' Five-Story Billboard

Iranian Christians Refuse to Accept Election Results

Announcing the 2009 Best Christian Workplaces in the US and Canada

New Swine Flu Vaccine Produced in Moral Cell Culture

Tiller's Abortion Web Site Recovered Again: Pro-life Groups Urged to Copy Entire Site for Their Records and Use

Missions Agency Opens Discussion About Spreading the Gospel in Monotheistic and Polytheistic Cultures

Abortionist Killed: National News -- Abortionist Kills Woman: Ignored

Ring Donated by Orange County Housewife Completes its Final Lap as Part of Online Auction

OC-Based Church Says Greenest Church Building is the One that is Never Built

Monday, June 15, 2009

Update: Registered Church in Jiangsu Province Continues to be Harassed by Authorities

New Minister of Tourism Concentrates on Christian Tourists

'Gospel Dream' Premiers June 24th on GMC -- One Contestant from 37 Finalists will Live Their Gospel Dream

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