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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Pro-Life Action League Uses Handbooks, Not Handguns as Weapon

3rd Party Seeks to Mobilize Christian Voters

Not Really a House Church, No Longer a Traditional Church: OC's The Well Finds Another Way

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Catholic Pro-Family Group Condemns the Murder of George Tiller

Auditions for 'America's Next Girl Band' Ongoing in Allen, Texas

What Bothers Me Most about Christianity

Shared Hope International Kicks Off National Campaign to Raise Awareness of Child Sex Trafficking of American Kids in the United States

Prison Ministry Launches Program for Children of Imprisoned People

Dr. George Tiller's Web Site Recovered; Journalists and Bloggers Invited to See What Dr. Tiller Advertised

'Rediscovering God in America' LIVE on GOD TV

Paul Harvey - The Loss of An Angel

AFTAH Calls on Obama to Withdraw Nomination of Kevin Jennings, Radical Homosexual Activist and GLSEN Founder, to Preside over 'Safe Schools'

Christian Library International Distributes Christian Books and Bibles to Prisons in All 50 US States

Tough Job Market May Help Missions Activity

Witness the Gospels Through the Eyes of a First-Century Hebrew

MyUville.com Creator Offers Internet Safety Tips for Parents

The Southern Baptist Convention is Finally 'Throwing in the Towel' on Government Schools

Monday, June 01, 2009

Gingi Edmonds Comments on the Death of George Tiller and Extends a Call to Pro-Life Consistency

George Tiller is Dead: For Whom Shall We Mourn?

Care Net Condemns the Murder of Dr. George Tiller

Presbyterians Pro-Life Responds to Violent Death of Abortionist

Fr. Pavone Praises Passage of Abortion Ultrasound Bill

Don't Forget 'Secret Believers'

Conversion, Not Killing Is the Solution: Pro-Life Action League Condemns the Killing of Late-term Abortionist George Tiller

Vision America Reacts to Murder of George Tiller

Dr. Tiller's Death and Abortion: Press Conference With Randall Terry at National Press Club at 1:00 P.M., Monday, June 1st

Operation Rescue Statement Regarding Suspect in Tiller Killing

Dr. Alveda King -- Sorrow that Dr. Tiller Didn't Live to Repent

Gary Benedict to Serve Second Term as U.S. Alliance President

Trading Rumors of God for a Firsthand Faith

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