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Monday, June 01, 2009

Violence is Never a Solution Says Pro-life Leader

No Defaming Pro-Lifers to be Tolerated in the Wake of Tiller's Death

GFA Missionary Released from Nepal Prison

Sunday, May 31, 2009

40 Days for Life Denounces Slaying of Abortion Provider George Tiller

George Tiller - Killed

Dr. Tiller's Death: Randall Terry Releases Video for Pro-life Leaders Concerning Dr. Tiller's Killing

Church Security Expert Comments on Church Shooting Death of Abortion Provider

A.L.L. Statement on George Tiller Killing

Susan B. Anthony List Statement on Death of George Tiller

Tiananmen Square Leaders Speak June 2 at Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

You Cannot Murder People and Call it Pro-Life -- 'Stand True' Denounces the Murder of Abortionist George Tiller

George Tiller was a Mass-Murderer, says Randall Terry -- We Grieve That he Did Not Have Time to Properly Prepare his Soul to Face God

Fr. Pavone on Tiller Killing

Operation Rescue Denounces the Killing of Abortionist Tiller

Christian Defense Coalition Condemns Shooting of Dr. George Tiller

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ethnic Korean Pastor Expelled from Tianjin and Church Abolished

Pro-Family Leaders Meet at WCF African Conference: World Congress of Families 'Dialogue of Civilizations,' in Abuja, Nigeria, June 5-7

Pope Benedict XVI Completes Historic Holy Land Pilgrimage

Cutting Edge Devotionals Now Available Online TheChristianPulse.com Offers Creative Daily Content

GFA Missionaries Reaching Out to Bengal Cyclone Victims

Obama's Own Words Indicate Sotomayor is Radically Pro-abortion

Chesterton for Children: Publisher Announces 'Uncle Chestnut' Book Series Based on the Life, Works of G.K. Chesterton

Nordskog Publishing Releases Inaugural Title in Noble Novels Imprint

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Religious Citizens Targeted in Alameda for 'Intolerable' Views

South Bend Prosecutor Presses Trespass Charges Against Prominent Pro-life Advocates

Free Online Christian Conference - Slippers and Pajamas Welcome

Soles4Souls, the Shoe Charity, Announces Barefoot Media Week, June 1st – June 7, 2009

God Told Plantation Owner of the Evils of Slavery

Chinese Authorities Secretly Planning to Sentence Alimujiang Yimiti to Re-education Through Labor

Christian Author Announces Do-It-Yourself Mortgage Modification

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