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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Don't Waste Your Life Tour Set to Launch

'Amy Grant's Three Wishes' & 'Clash of the Choirs' Series Come to GMC Starting Weds. June 3

Wisconsin Right to Life Continues to Expose the Truth Behind the Madison Late-Term Abortion Plan

LifeBridge Author to Appear on 700 Club

Operation Kid-to-Kid Brings Comfort to Kids in Crisis

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Elementary School Children to be Indoctrinated with New Gay Curriculum

Two National Rabbinic Groups Issue Religious Ban on Voting for Pro-Homosexual Agenda Politicians; Call on Pope and other Denominations to Follow Suit

Andrew Palau Festival to Bring Hope During Rwanda's 15-Year Genocide Remembrance

Latino Priest Questions Sotomayor Nomination

GFA Missionaries Reaching Out to Bengal Cyclone Victims

Advocates International Joins Others in Telling NIH it is Neither Ethically Responsible, Scientifically Worthy nor Currently Lawful to Expand Taxpayer Funding for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The Following Statement can be Attributed to Andrew Pugno, General Counsel of ProtectMarriage.com - Yes on 8 [the official proponents of Prop 8]

'Demographic Winter' Producer says Billionaire Population Controllers are Aiding a Disaster-in-the-Making

So. Gospel Moves to Thurs. Nights on GMC

The Rimini Meeting - 30 Years of Dialogue

NJ, PA and NY Area Businesses: Get in Front of 25,000-Plus Labor Day Weekend Festival-Goers at Revelation Generation

Dr. Robert A. Schuller and Chris Wyatt's Comstar Acquires AmericanLife TV Network(tm)

Gospel Light Worldwide to Give Away 1,000 Copies of 'One Million Children: Journey of the Heart' Movie Before International Children's Day

A Message to President Obama: Reconciliation with the Islamic World is a Two-Way Street

OC-based Church Challenges Other Churches to Reevaluate Spending $11.5 Billion on Church Buildings

Richard Viguerie: Congratulations, President Obama, You've United the Entire Conservative Movement

Tiananmen Leaders Invite International Community to Join in Solemn Assembly

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Denomination Revisits its Abolitionist Heritage

Vision America President Says Sotomayor Nomination Should be a 'Teaching Moment' for Americans

Richard Viguerie: Conservatives Welcome Sotomayor Nomination as First Major Ideological Battle Since the Early Clinton Years

National Organization for Marriage Reacts to California Supreme Court Decision Upholding Prop 8

California Supreme Court Yields to 'We the People'

ProtectMarriage.com Yes on 8 Campaign Applauds California Supreme Court for Upholding Proposition 8 and Respecting the Will of the Voters

Prophetic Insights in Turbulent Times -- What Does it Mean for Americans

California Supreme Court Upholds Prop. 8

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