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Friday, May 22, 2009

WORLD Magazine's Lynn Vincent to Pursue Book Publishing Career

Nations Unite in Prayer on GOD TV

CTI Shuts Down 4 Titles, Lays Off 30-Plus Staff

Pope: Spread the Word Through Digital World

CADC Calls on President Obama to Call off the Partisan Defamation of Christians

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fireproof Pastor Develops Film's Biblical Themes

New Tenth Avenue North Music Video Highlights Work of Billy Graham Rapid Response Team

California Governor is Considering Budget Cuts - Including Defunding Planned Parenthood

Why is Evangelical Left Defending Obama Abortion Stance

Jabez Returns with New Message: 'Be Healed!'

Miguel Estrada for the Supreme Court

81-Year-Old Texas TV Station Manager Taking Memorial Day 'Leap of Faith' From Airplane to Honor Veterans, Raise Awareness for Digital TV Transition

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fr. Pavone Urges Enactment of Oklahoma's Sex Selection Abortion Ban

Fr. Pavone on Wording of CNN's Roe v. Wade Poll -- Please Hire a New Research Team

Sky Angel Sponsors Main Music Stage at Big Ticket Festival in June

ND Response Holds Rally for Thousands on Notre Dame Campus; Bishop D'Arcy Calls Seniors 'Heroes' for Affirming University's Catholic Identity and Pro-Life Mission

Journalists, Editors Eligible for $5,000 Scholarships for College Religion Courses

A Secondary School that Saves

TBN's Holy Land Experience Gearing up for Exciting Summer Season

As for You and Your House, Will You Serve the Lord

'Institute On The Constitution's' June 'First Friday' Speaker Dr. Laurence Vance Who Will Discuss Christianity and War, Other Aspects of the Warfare State

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sri Lanka Civil War Ends; GFA Workers Reach Out to Survivors

Two Men Still in Jail from Notre Dame 'Pray-Ins'

Marriage Amendment Bill Introduced by Senator John Eichelberger Applauded by PA4Marriage Coalition

Gallup Poll Confirmed by Passage of Georgia GOP Human Life Amendment Resolution

Christian Leader Says India Election Results are a Vote Against Extremism

Church Leaders Urge U.S. Congress to Support U.S. Foreign Aid Reform Bill

Why Obama is Going to Turn America into a Pro-Life Nation, and Other Opinions from a Young Pro-Life Activist Who Knows What's Up

School Board's Decision in Willamina, Oregon Will Put Students at Risk for Three Cancers

New Pro-Life Video Provides Updated 'Window to the Womb' and Historical Perspective

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