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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blaming Economy for Drop in Church Giving May be Mistake, Says OC-Based Church

Faith Comes By Hearing Launches Audio Bible Ambassador Campaign

Christian Voice Magazine Now Offering Digital Version

Monday, May 18, 2009

Angela Hunt Novelizes Hallmark Channel's 'Taking a Chance on Love'

Religious, Moral Issues are Above Obama's Pay Grade

Notre Dame: Obama's Remarks Don't Match His Policies

Family Research Council's Tony Perkins to Hold Media Conference Call

A Call to Christian Revolution

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Coming Out For Humanae Vitae

Available for Interview: Two Men who Disrupted Obama's Speech. Obama, Notre Dame, and Abortion: 30 Pro-Lifers sit in Jail While Obama Speaks

The Soul's Intent

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Senators Call on Chinese President to Release Gao Zhisheng

18 More Anti Abortion Activists Arrested at Notre Dame on Saturday; More Arrests Planned for Sunday. Notre Dame Warns TV Networks that They Will 'Cut the Feed' of Any Network that Covers Disruption of Obama Speech on Sunday

A Pro-Life Firestorm from San Diego to Notre Dame - Ignited by Obama - a Powerful Revival and New Face to the Pro-Life Movement

'Angels & Demons' Gets the Science vs. Church Battle Backward, says Chicago Priest and Film-Maker Fr. Robert Barron

Group Plans to Ruin Notre Dame Commencement

Friday, May 15, 2009

More than 100 Atheists Have Responded to Free Book Offer

Prominent Priest Comments on Abortion Poll

Growthtrac Radio Launches on iPhone, iPod Touch

Gallup Poll Shows Pro-Lifers Now in Majority

Time to Rebuild 'On Rock,' Not 'On Sand'

Two Priests Arrested with Dr. Keyes and 20 Pro-lifers: Will One Bishop Pray with us at Notre Dame on Saturday? Police Violate Rights of Peaceful Praying People, Refuse to Allow Dr. Keyes and Others to Bond Out of Jail.

Pastor Says: 'I Saw Catholics Arrested for Being Catholic at a Catholic University' -- Notre Dame

Official Text of Obama's Honorary Doctorate Given by Notre Dame

Angels & Demons: Full of Half-Truths, Historical Inaccuracies and Outright Lies says Catholic Author

Gallup Shows More Americans Pro-Life

New Gallup Poll: Obama on Collision Course with Public Opinion on Abortion Policy

Christian Slave Owners in 18th Century New York - Focus of New Book

Watch Arrests at Notre Dame Live Online; Pro-Life, Pro-Family Film Crew to Broadcast Notre Dame Protests Live at Noon on Friday, Saturday, and Later on Sunday

Thursday, May 14, 2009

2009 Campus Activism Prize Awarded by Human Life Alliance and Students for Life of America

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