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Friday, May 08, 2009

Fr. Pavone to Celebrate Baccalaureate Masses at Two Catholic Universities

College Graduates Tout Benefits of a Faith-Based Education

Notre Dame, Obama, and Abortion: Dr. Alan Keyes and 20 Pro-lifers to be Arrested with Baby Strollers at Notre Dame on Friday, 11:30 a.m., May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Catholic Clergy from Australia and America to Meet in Rome for 'Year for Priests'

Abstinence Funding Cuts

Lakewood Church of Houston Celebrates 50th Anniversary

OCP Awards Over $135,000 in Grants to 69 U.S. Parishes

'18 Kids and Counting' Family Boosts Pigeon Forge Population for a Smoky Mountains Vacation

Catholic Writers Guild, Catholic Marketing Network Hold Writers' Conference

National Organization for Marriage to Join Maine Marriage Coalition

United Methodist Renewal Groups Host 'Theology of the Body' Seminar

Free Market Road Show Set to Begin as West Slouches Toward Socialism

A Mother's Faith Brings a Son's Healing

Pence: 'We Are a Nation of Prayer'

Many Embrace Renewed Faith and Hope with 'Why Faith? Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Tough Times,' by Dr. A. G. Green

Why Our President Will Not Host National Day of Prayer

Sodom Rising: The Pedophile Protection Act

Green Envelope Campaign to Free Roxana Saberi -- A Call to World Citizens for Help

What Book did Bill Hybels Buy 10,000 Copies of

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Comfort and Cameron Use 26 Seconds of Humor for Their Message

Tiananmen Square Leaders Issue Declaration of Repentance and Reconciliation on 20th Anniversary

'Hate' Laws will be the Rubicon for Religious Free Speech of Broadcasters

British Politician Takes Radical Stand for Miss California with London Poster Campaign

CADC Demands an End to Bashing Carrie Prejean, Miss California, by Perez Hilton and Keith Olbermann

Fr. Frank Pavone, Dr. Alveda King on Passing of Jack Kemp

New Poll May Reveal 'Obama Effect' on Americans' Abortion Views Says Fr. Pavone

Rev. Vernon C. King Mourned by Dr. Alveda King, Fr. Frank Pavone

District Attorney Reviewing Footage of Sexual Abuse Cover up at Memphis Planned Parenthood Used in State Legislation

'The Queen' Comes to Gospel Music Channel in May World Premieres

Leading African-American Clergy to Risk Arrest in Front of the White House During the National Day of Prayer

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