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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Abortion Clinic Cockroaches Endorse Kathleen Sebelius

Red and Yellow, Black and White ... Not All Precious in Our Sight

Attorney Calls for Government to Account for Incident that Sent Imprisoned Uyghur Christian Alimujiang Yimiti to the Hospital

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sky Angel Productions Receives Two Telly Awards

Governor Sebelius Too Extreme on Abortion to be HHS Secretary

Fr. Frank Pavone and Dr. Alveda King Call for Passage of Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act

Alpha Omega Publications Announces the Release of 2009 Switched-On Schoolhouse Homeschool Edition

Sebelius Must Answer for Abortion Extremism, Corruption

Biking for Bibles Across America

Gospel Music Channel Nears 45 Million Subs

Identity Coach Terri Cadiente Shatters 'Performance Personality' to Reveal Ones' True Self

Football and Life Stories Combine in Story of Spirituality

Unique Book Reveals Oneness with God

Alpha Omega Publications Announces Beginning of Annual Spring Sale for Homeschoolers

'Islamopalian' Priest Deposed

The Power of Saying Yes to God

Author of Enthralling Book 'The Bilhah Moment: How to Wait on God in Desperate Times' Reveals Practical and Effective Ways to Overcome These Tough Times on The Harvest Show April 7th in South Bend, Indiana

Evolution vs. Creation - the Debate Continues as Darwin's Work Marks 150th Anniversary

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Urgent Concern for Health and Safety of Uyghur Christian Prisoner Alimujiang Yimiti

'Million Lanyard Give' Donation Program for Churches, Charities

Human Trafficking Expert Recognized as 'Woman of the Year' in Romania

Pastor Walter Hoye Support Rally & Press Conference

'Bella' Star & Producer Return from Successful Aid Mission to Sudan in Spite of Heighted Concerns After Arrest Warrant Issued for al-Bashir

Grand Canyon University Offers Summer Sessions -- First-Time Program Helps Students Meet Early Graduation Goals and Still Get Vacation

Fruit of the Spirit's Unique Fundraising Opportunity for Ministries; Leading Others to Better Health and Growing Christian Ministries

First Sebelius Hearing Generates More Questions than Answers on Abortion Policy

White House Protest Denouncing Obama's Speech at Notre Dame and Proposed Change in Conscience Regs

This Easter: Despite Troubled Economy, Billion-Dollar Effort Helps Easter Story Travel Faster

Best of Stellar Series Premiere on GMC

CA Medical Board Revokes Abortionist Nolan Jones' License

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