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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

As Jury Selection Continues, Operation Rescue Calls Pro-lifers to Wichita for Prayer

Stevens Creek Church Finds a Little Creativity Can Help Collect Cash in Tough Times

Strategic Change Transcends International Borders

A Respite in the Chaos

Do Prayer Bands Still Rock the World

Secretary of States' Human Rights Statement in Egypt Leads to More Killing of Christian Copts

Social Conservatives Adapt to New Environment

Recent Changes in Major Tax Laws Significantly Affect Churches and Church Staff

Pro-Life Org Receives Donations in Name of Planned Parenthood (PP) President, following PP Sarah Palin Campaign

PastorFinder.com Posts Over 500 Ministry Jobs, Candidates Post Over 2,000 Resumes - for Free

Former North Korean Propaganda Officer Now Spreads Message of Christ through Colorado-based Ministry’s Underground University

Do You Enjoy a Glass of Wine

'Mission Possible' for the Kindle

What Exactly DO Smart Churches Know

Monday, March 16, 2009

ChinaAid Receives Letter from Wife of Christian Prisoner Alimujiang Yimiti

Abortionist Tiller to Get Jury of Six

Christian Book Award Finalist Honors Awarded to 'Rose Guide to the Tabernacle'

GodCert.com - Rockin the Living God in Beta

Tullian Tchividjian Formally Accepts Call to Serve

Repentance--or Ruin, America Fall on Your Knees

The Question of Prayer

Obama's Executive Order Forcing Taxpayer Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ignores Will of NJ Voters -- NJ Citizens Urged to Contact the White House

The National Day of Prayer to Host 2009 Texas State Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday May 5, 2009

Maryland Coalition Against Pornography Condemns Jesuit School's Sex Free-for-All

Undercover Student Videos Help De-Fund Planned Parenthood in Orange County, California

'Sowing Atheism' Book Impacts Crucial Texas Evolution/Creation Debate

Sunday, March 15, 2009

As Tiller Jury Selection Begins, New Video Documenting Botched Abortion Shows Need for Justice

News Conference to Discuss Plans for Abortionist's Criminal Trial in Wichita

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fruit of the Spirit is a Powerful New Health Product for the Christian Market

New Motion Picture Company Launches New Film; 'C Me Dance' Endorsed by Leukemia Society

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