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Friday, March 13, 2009

Georgia Senate Bans Creation of Embryos for Research

Author Battles Secularists Over Christianity's Role in the Holocaust

CLASSeminars, Inc. Names New President

Pro-life and Faith Organizations Gear Up for George Tiller's Criminal Trial in Wichita, Kansas

YouDiligence Helps Parents Protect Kids from Online Predators and Cyber-Bullies on MySpace & Facebook

After Five Decades a Prodigal Pastor Proves It's Never Too Late to Return to God

Aspiring Redemptive Filmmakers Competing to Win a Full Tuition Scholarship to Regent University's Award-Winning Film School

Running on Empty? Pastor Encourages Christians to Take a Lesson from NASCAR

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Saving Souls Via Cell Phone

'Illinois FOCA' Up for Vote; Pro-Life Action League Rallies Grassroots Opposition

Going Past the Point of No Return

Wife and Children of Chinese Human Rights Attorney Gao Zhisheng Rescued to the U.S. Successfully

Tiller Abortion Patient Transported to Hospital, 'No Lights, No Sirens'

Georgia House Passes HB 388: Nation's First Embryo Adoption Bill

Vatican Official Critical of Governor Kathleen Sebelius and Her Appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services

Musgrave: SBA List Launching a New Day in Pro-Life Politics

Sky Angel VOD and CBS College Sports Offer Subscribers Best of NCAA March Madness

College Buckles Under Public Pressure, Lifts Campus Ban on Pro-Life Students Who Videotaped Planned Parenthood Event

Oral Roberts University Accredited by National Financial Accountability Organization

Official Charity of the 40th Annual GMA Dove Awards Gives Christian and Gospel Music Fans the Chance of a Lifetime

Vatican Meeting: Americans Bring Case to Replace D.C. Archbishop

Joyce Meyer Ministries Accredited by National Financial Accountability Organization

GOD TV Set for a Mammoth Missions Week

What's Easter Got to do with Eggs

NC Judge Orders Homeschool Mother to Put Kids in Public School

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Booking a Touring Worship Artist can Help Ministries: A Look Into Up and Coming Artist Johnny Juarez

L'Innocence Inspires New Fragrance

Rally in Hartford on Religious Freedom (Raised Bill 1098)

International Pro-Life Leader Chastises Obama for Latest Anti-Life Nomination

Poet Celebrates Half a Century of Life in 'The Year of My Jubilee'

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