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Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama's Assault on Human Life Expected to Begin Today

Teen Series Turns 20; Hits 4.5 Million Sold

President Obama Launches Abortion Bailout with Repeal of Mexico City Policy, Says SBA List President

Child Author/Survivor Children's Book Addressing Sexual Abuse Now Available Nationwide. Endorsed by Chip Ingram, Law Enforcement, Physician, Counselor and Others

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Announces Summit on Volunteerism in Speech

1400 Flowers to be Placed in Front of White House Today in Honor of 1400 African American Children Slain Each Day Through Abortion

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pro-Life Activists to Lay 1400 Flowers in Front of White House to Honor 1400 African American Children Killed Each Day Through Abortion

Great Pro-Life Nun to Walk for Life in S.F. on Saturday

Zondervan and TNT Share Inspirational Story of Ben Carson

VeggieTales Comes to GMC

Dr. Alveda King to Keynote White House Rally for Birmingham Letter Project

Church Executive Magazine Reports on Latest Firings at Crystal Cathedral, Comments on Earlier Departure of Robert A. Schuller

'Institute On The Constitution' Offering Course on Maryland Constitution, Lecture on Importance of Sacred Oath of Office

Jeffrey Gets Early Start on 2010 Campaign

The Abortion Bailout has Begun: SBA List President Comments on 36th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Vibrant New CD from Santiago Fernandez Ignites Contemporary Catholic Music

Historic Door to Door Life Initiative Launched

More Hypocrisy at Gray Lady: Times Writer Visits Luxury Spa

LIFEHQ Organizes Massive 'Virtual March for Life'

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ancient Record of 'Remnant' of Israel Affirms Bible, Creation Story, Sanctity of Life

5th Annual Walk for Life West Coast -- Saturday, January 24, 2009 11 A.M.

Federal Court to Hear Lawsuit by Pro-Life Activists Seeking to Display Pro-Life Message in Front of White House

New Age of Global Prayer 24/7 for Lasting Peace in the Middle East

Arthur Blessitt, Subject of New Film The Cross, Appears on TBN's Behind the Scenes and Praise The Lord January 22nd

Clarification on Invitation to National Pro-Life Religious Council Pre-Born Conference

Internationally Acclaimed Self-taught Christian Sculptor Creates Life Prizes Award Statue

Hope in the Night Partners with American Family Radio

Week's Events Show Major Disconnect Amongst Americans Regarding Life

From Coast to Coast, Women to Tell of Abortion's Impact on Their Lives

Shortest Honeymoon in American History

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