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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Now that History has Been Made, it's Time for the Black Church to Reclaim its Non-Violent Heritage -- An Open Letter

Abortion Opponents in 118 Cities Launch 40-day Campaign to Counter Roe v. Wade and New Administration

Has the Pro-Life Movement 'Failed'

SBA List President Available for Comment on 36th Anniversary of Roe, Stop the Abortion Bailout Campaign

Rev. Peterson Bids Farewell to President George W. Bush; Says Americans are Less Safe with Barack Hussein Obama

'Demographic Winter' Communications Director to Keynote 2009 Walk for Life Rose Dinner

Women Who Said 'No to Abortion' and Babies Saved by Compassion Join Heartbeat in Telling Congress: 'Pregnancy Centers are Good for America'

Kurt Warner: A Hard Path to Victory

FamilyChristianMovies.com Announces DVD Release of Fireproof

An Internet Company for the 21st Century Church

36th Memorial of Roe v. Wade

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Georgians Mourn the Death of Over 50 Million Children

Bill Keller Offers an Inauguration Prayer - The One Rick Warren Ought to be Making

Ramos and Compean Prison Sentences Commuted

NPC 2009 Features Leading Voices in San Diego: Bill Hybels, Randy Frazee, Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, Brian McLaren, Mark Riddle, Scot McKnight, Paul Young

President Obama to Press Reset Button

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pro-Marriage Rally on Inauguration Day

Gener8Xion Entertainment's Latest Movie 'The Cross' Opens Nationwide March 27th

Pro-life Activists Plan Major Display and Vigil Along the Inaugural Parade Route on Tuesday, January 20

Knights of Columbus 'Coats for Kids' Program to Aid Needy Children

Remuda Ranch Reports More Women Seek to be Thin During Pregnancy

The 2009 Business Women's Symposium

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Faith Groups End 19 Days of Prayer and Fasting for President-Elect Obama with Monday Prayer Vigil in Front of the White House

Christian Defense Coalition Calls Extravagant Inauguration Obscene and a Slap in the Face to the Poor and Struggling

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, January 16, 2009

More Than a Dozen PSB Officers Force Pastor Bike Out of Beijing

Stop the Abortion Bailout! SBA List President Available to for Comment on New Advocacy Campaign

Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison's Bid for Governor of Texas

Inaugural Warning: Rated P for Perverse

Update on Federal Lawsuit Filed by Pro-Life Activists Against the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department -- Hearing Today, Jan. 16

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