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Friday, January 16, 2009

African American Pastor Found Guilty After Being Prosecuted Under Unconstitutional City Ordinance

Jeremy Camp's Life Story Told in New GMC Faith & Fame

Are Anti-Abortionists Dead or Dead Tired--Neither, Say San Francisco Activists

Free Book: Twelve Powerful Prayers for America

Morality in Media President Calls Upon the American Association of Retired People (AARP) to Stop Promoting bettersex.com Products

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America: National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2009

US Missionaries Travel to Dominican Republic to Help Keep Abortion Illegal

Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue, Will Appear on NPR's Talk of the Nation Today, Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 2 P.M. Eastern

Familycatechism.com Beta Site Unveiled in Mexico City at 6th World Congress of Families

Sexpert Pastor Mark Driscoll is Told, 'Enough is Enough'

Activists to File Federal Lawsuit Against the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department after They Ban Pro-Life Display in Front of the White House

Inaugural Prayer Tea in Nation's Capitol

OR Turns Over Evidence of Criminal Abortion Scam to Law Enforcement

Inauguration Pastors a Motley Crew

'Silent No More' Leaders Available for Comment; Seek to Tell President-Elect Obama, Don't Punish Your Daughters with Years of Regret

The Bible Does Allow Divorce in Domestic Abuse Cases

Dallas Selected for Special Airings of Captivating Abortion Documentary 'Beyond the Dark Valley'

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hua Zaichen Dying, Request to See Imprisoned Wife Denied by Authorities

Supreme Court Upholds Right to Display Graphic Abortion Signs Thanks to CBR

2009 is the Year to Overcome Your Fears: Fear Doesn't Have to Enslave Us

Mainline Renewal Leader Warns President Elect Obama: Robinson Offensive to Christians in U.S., Africa, and the Global South

Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue, Will Appear on NPR's Talk of the Nation on Thursday, January 15, 2009

GOD TV Looks at Issues of Same-Sex Attraction

More Than a New Year's Weight Resolution

Reflections on Tough Questions of Faith

Gazan Christians Connected in the Spirit, by Telephone

36th Memorial Roe v. Wade Events Feature World Movie Premiere

Full Undercover Tape Showing Abuse Cover-up Released, Planned Parenthood Ignores Requests for Records

Stellar Awards on GMC 3-1-09

Evangelical Pastors Questioned for Highlighting Seattle's R-Rated Pastor at National Conference

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