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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fr. Frank Pavone to be Honored Tonight at King Week Event

Pro-Life Law Firm and Illinois Solicitor General will Argue for Mandatory Parental Notice of Minors' Abortions

Homeless Research Group Says National Homelessness Down Between 2005 and 2007

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bestselling Author Provides Much-Needed Help for Loved Ones of Cancer Sufferers

Top-selling Bible Atlas Honors Go to Rose Publishing's 'Then and Now Bible Maps'

Introducing ChurchSafety.com: Expert Safety Solutions for 21st Century Churches

Georgia Right to Life Launches the Nation's First 'Virtual' Abortion Holocaust Memorial Wall

Dean Jones: 'I Wouldn't Trade This for an Oscar'

Peng Ming's Health Deteriorating After More than Four Years in Prison

Reasons for Hope: A Discussion on Hope and its Rational Foundations in Light of the Publication of Msgr. Luigi Giussani's New Book 'Is It Possible to Live This Way?'

FamilySecurityMatters.org Announces '2009 Hope and Change Awards'

PSB Pay Pastor Bike Zhang Compensation

Recording Artist Alvin Slaughter Headlines Son Broadcasting Anniversary Celebration

AFTAH: Obama's Choice of Homosexual Bishop Gene Robinson to Pray at Inaugural Event is a Slap in the Face to Christians

Widow's Wedding Ring Drills a Well in Ghana

New Book Enlightens Readers of the Physical Suffering of Christ

Exodus Mandate Challenges Churches and Ministries to Confront Education Catastrophe

Monday, January 12, 2009

San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival Announces 2009 Jubilee Award Winners

Pastor, Professor Says Church has 'Identity Crisis' and Warns that the Emerging Church Movement Threatens its Foundation

Nation's First Government-Funded Abortion Alternatives Program Serves Over 150,000 Women Since 1995

Abortion Opponents Ready to Launch Focused International 40-Day Campaign

Porn Kings Joke About Bailout Funds, But Rampant Addiction No Laughing Matter

Despite Continued Violence Against Christian Churches, Most Go Unprepared

The Holy Land Experience -- Treating Visitors to an Unexpected Orlando Experience

Illegal Fetal Age Deception Scheme Uncovered at Tiller's Abortion Clinic

Richard John Neuhaus (1936-2009): A Servant of the Gospel of Life

Just Facts Publishes Fact-Based Analysis of the Social Security Program

RYFO.org Helps Change How Bands Tour

5th Annual Walk for Life West Coast -- Saturday, January 24, 2009, 11 a.m., Justin Herman Plaza, San Francisco

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Statement by President Bush on the Passing of Cardinal Pio Laghi

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