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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Activists Plan Federal Lawsuit After Police Ban Pro-Life Display in Front of the White House During Inauguration Week

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Book -- Religion -- The Kingdom Hall No More

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, January 09, 2009

JAARS Receives First Kodiak Aircraft, Improving Access to Bibleless Peoples

Best and Worst Developments Affecting the Family in 2008

Rather than Providing a $5 Billion 'Bailout' for U.S. Pornographers, Washington Should Insist that the U.S. Justice Department Enforce Federal Obscenity Laws, says MIM President Bob Peters

Evangelist Priest Encourages Spiritual Resolutions at Start of New Year

The Republican Party Won't Recognize Pastor as State Committeeman - Lawsuit May Follow

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Proposition 8 Proponents Challenge Campaign Finance Reporting Rules that Have Resulted in Rampant Harassment of Prop 8 Supporters

Statement by the President

SAICFF Film Festival Finalists and Semi-Finalists Featured on Behemoth.com Download Media Store

IRD Mourns Passing of Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

'Terri's Day' to be Observed in Remembrance of Terri Schiavo

Christian Coalition of America Urges Congress Not to Censor Radio Talk Show Hosts

Which is More of a Threat to Israel - Hamas or New York Times

Godtube.com Partners with Buckner International to Expand Ministry and Humanitarian Outreach to Change the World

Georgia Preacher Rescued Apollo 11 Astronauts

Dirty Tricks Against Team Sarah Exposed

Father of High School Student Slain in Columbine Massacre to Speak in Washington DC Area

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christian Church Leaders Converge on U.S. Capitol Before Inauguration, Call on President-elect Obama to End Domestic Poverty

New Jersey Tragedy Highlights the Obvious: Losing a Baby You've Never Seen is Devastating Say 'Silent No More' Leaders

Congressman Joins Ministers to Anoint and Pray Over Obama Inaugural Walkway

'I Saw the Truth with My Own Two Eyes'

Family Films on Increase and are the Profit-Makers in Hollywood

Plan Re-Ignites Public Indignation Over Babies Who Survived Abortion Attempts at these Hospitals

Thousands of Georgians Calling for a Change for Life

Catholic News Agency Presents Exclusive 2009 Liturgical Calendar

David C. Cook Develops Innovative Online Program to Benefit Consumers and Give Back to Retailers

Pro-life Activists Secure Significant First Amendment Victory at the Obama Presidential Inaugural Parade

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hearing Reveals Tiller/Planned Parenthood Conspiracy to Break the Law

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