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Thursday, January 01, 2009

19th Annual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer for the Addicted

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bestselling Novelists Offer New Look at the Resurrection

Guangzhou House Church Pastor Wang Dao's Case Against Persecution Accepted by Court

Christian Group Calls for 19 Days of National Prayer and Fasting for President-elect Barack Obama Before the Inauguration

New Jersey Agency Sides with Lesbian Couple against Methodist Campground

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Does God Have a New Year Miracle for You

Flyleaf, Marvin Sapp, Rascal Flatts Among Winners of 2008 Gospel Music Channel Video Awards

Living the Dream: Start Your New Year Pursuing Your God-given Dream

Lila Rose Chosen as Operation Rescue's 2008 Person of the Year

'Demographic Winter' Producer Encouraged by Catholic-Orthodox Statement on Declining Birth Rates

Monday, December 29, 2008

Houston Mega Church Takes Bible Listening Challenge

Biblical Literacy in a World of Shifting Values

Brian Rohrbough 'Institute On The Constitution's' Speaker on January 9 in 'First Friday' Lecture

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christians in Earthquake Disaster Areas Raided by Police on Christmas Eve

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day Persecution in Anhui, Henan and Xinjiang; 13 Christians in Prison

Concerned About Privacy Rights, Rutherford Institute & Brennan Center Ask U.S. District Court to Declare 2008 Surveillance Law Unconstitutional

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Chinese Government Launches Attacks Against Christians During Christmas Season

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

FOX News Channel to Broadcast Saddleback Church Christmas Service: Pastor Rick Warren Delivers Message of Hope for Changing Times

Orissa Christmas Day Bandh Cancelled

IRAQ: Let's Fight with the Message of Christmas against Religious Illiteracy in the World, says Anna Zaborska, MEP

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Proposition 8 Proponents to File Supplemental Briefing Challenging Attorney General's Argument that Prop 8 is Invalid

California Attorney General Jerry Brown Rejects the Rule of Law and Fails California Voters

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Presidential Message -- Christmas 2008

Rick Warren, U.S. Poster Child for Compromise

Will Pro-Life Demonstrations be Crushed at the Obama Presidential Inauguration

Planned Parenthood Fears Outside Scrutiny - Chooses Closely Linked Group to Implement 'Reform'

Christmas Canceled in Orissa, India

Peace Declaration to be 'Mission Statement' for the Churches

Monday, December 22, 2008

Most Americans Say 'Merry Christmas'

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