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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Richard Viguerie on Paul Weyrich: America's Most Unsung Conservative Hero

Care Net Applauds New Conscience Protections for Health Care Providers

40 Christians Arrested in Nanyang, 16 Sentenced to Administrative Detention

CWA Mourns the Passing of Paul Weyrich

Dear God, Give Us Words of Hope for this Season

Free Christmas Songs Honor Military Men and Women

Pro-Life Leaders Seek Meeting with President-Elect Obama

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Zealand Worship Leader Tops Christian Music Today List of 2008 Albums

Governor David Beasley Congratulates USCIRF for Designating Iraq a Country of Particular Concern for Religious Freedom

Springfield Nativity Scene Committee Condemns Theft of Atheist Sign

The San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival to Host World Premiere of New Film by Crown Financial Ministries Featuring Dean Jones

Ignite Your Faith and BarlowGirl Partner for Online Christmas Cartoon

Experience the Joy of Christmas at Holy Land

Q Place: 48-Year-Old Ministry Re-Launches with Renewed Purpose

Top 5 Ways to Help Your Family Cope with the Holiday Recession

Fr. Pavone to Receive A. D. King Advancing the Culture of Life Award

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dr. Brian D. Ray Recipient of the 2008 Dr. Robert Dreyfus Courageous Christian Leadership Award

Head of US Episcopal Church Open to Being Wrong on Her Stance about Homosexuality

Catholic Church's Instruction on Bioethics Issues Welcomed by Georgia Right to Life

Richard Viguerie: In Dangerous Times, New York Needs a Real U.S. Senator

Planned Parenthood, Tiller Criminal Cases Collide

The New York Times' P.C. Reluctance to Apply 'Terrorist' Label

Christmas Week on 'America's Christmas Channel' GMC

Restoring the Scandal of Christmas

Free Christmas Songs Honor Military Men and Women

Abuse Pattern Develops as Second Indiana Planned Parenthood Covers Up Statutory Rape of 13-Year-Old

Good News and Glasses

Christians Encouraged to Re-Gift Bibles This Christmas

This Christmas Serve Up an Extra Side of Blessing to Your Grandkids

Remuda Ranch Reports Many Struggle with Emotional Eating During Holidays

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