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Monday, December 15, 2008

OCP's Contemporary Catholic Musicians Unite to Fight Poverty

Tornadoes, Floods, Hurricanes and More: 2008 Busiest Year Ever For Billy Graham Rapid Response Team

Delgaudio Urges Thorough Investigation, No Hate Crimes Charges, in Palin Church Arson

Xinjiang Church Leader Lou Yuanqi Faces Trial Today

D.A. Conspires with City, Abortionists to Silence Pro-Lifer

Susan B. Anthony List Takes on President-Elect Obama's Abortion Industry Bailout Plan

Iraqi Christians Remain Under Siege

Pro-Abortion Groups Attack Religion

Christmas Message 2008 from the World Council of Churches General Secretary

Remarks by President Bush and Afghanistan President Karzai in Press Availability

Holy See Sets Bioethics Standards for Research and Aborted Fetal Vaccines

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Remarks by President Bush to the Troops

Independent Institute Launches Second Amendment Book Bomb

Statement by President Bush and Iraq President Talabani After Meeting

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Daily S.O.A.K. -- A Personal Journey Through the New Testament

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bridge-Logos to Distribute Electrifying Fiction Book by Wendy Alec, Co-Founder of the Global TV Network--GOD TV...

Debut CD Release-Nashville Recording Artist Chris Lee

Hope for the Heart Endows Chair of Biblical Counseling at Seminary

Remarks by the President in Commencement Address

Catholic University of San Francisco Develops Health Plan for Students that Covers Abortion

Dignitas Personae, Vatican Instruction on Bioethics, Welcomed for Guidance on Issues of Procreation, Medical Research

WCC Delegation at UN Conference Calls for Faith in the Feasibility of Climate Justice

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Catholic Schools Contribute $19.8 Billion Annually to Nation

Richard Cizik Resigns from National Association of Evangelicals

Evangelical Lobbyist Resigns from NAE after Comments on Same Sex Unions

Gov. Gregoire's Current Quagmire -- MerryHappyChristmaHoliKwansukkah

Christian Coalition of America Condemns Anti-Christian Bigotry on Part of Governor Gregoire

Knights of Columbus Plan Congress, Festival in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Will the First Amendment and Free Speech Rights be Crushed at the Obama Presidential Inauguration

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