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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

OptINnow.org - Give the 'Loaves and Fish' Holiday Gift

Former Army Chaplain and Christian Author Speaks at Pentagon Prayer Breakfast

GospelMusicChannel.com's Best Albums of '08 Announced

Author Encourages Others to Listen to the Whispers of God's Heart

Safe Abortion Continues to Kill America's Women and Children

New Video Shows Indiana Planned Parenthood Covering Up Rape of 13-year Old Girl

Christian Man Uses Cell Phones to Evangelize

Richard Cizik of NAE Says Christians Can Vote for Pro-Child Killing Politicians

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

SBA List President Praises Chambliss Victory

Legislative Grandstanding on Prop. 8 Insults Voters and Distracts Legislators from Real Priorities

Churches and Ministries Connect with Free Software from CircleBuilder(tm)

American Christians Challenged to Celebrate Christmas Without a Bible

New Christian Humor Web Site Launches

New Program Offers Hope to 1.1 Million Illinoisans with Eating Disorders

'Are We Living in the Last Days?' GOD TV Asks

Medical Malpractice Explains High Premature Birth Rate Among Black Americans, Report Researchers -- Only Full Term Pregnancies Reduce Mothers' Breast Cancer Risk

Abortionist Pleads No Contest to Felonies, Avoiding a Tell-All Trial

Black Pastors that Voted for Obama Have Placed Themselves in the Eye of the Storm

Violence All the Rage This Christmas

Cyber Monday Benefits Orphanage from Online Retail Sales

Monday, December 01, 2008

OCA and Joe the Plumber

President George W. Bush Receives 'International Medal of Peace' that Coincides with PEPFAR Milestone on World AIDS Day

Planned Parenthood's Christmas Gift Certificates -- Irredeemable Says Dr. Alveda King

Team Sarah Educates, Mobilizes Pro-Life Georgia Voters

World's Leading Internet Evangelist Calls for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Economy

Background of Troubled Calif. Abortion Chain Available as Jury Selection Begins

Above Entertainment Artist Danny Liston to Appear on CBN's The 700 Club Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 2

NY Times Refuses to Report Role of Islam in Mumbai Massacre

Apologetics Org Recruiting Next Generation's Culture Warriors Using Writing Contest

Billy Graham TV Special Celebrates True Meaning of Christmas Dec. 6-14

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