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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Liberal Bias Plays a Part in Decline of New York Times Stock

World Poetry Published for Free

Crouse Responds to 'Narcissistic Sovereignty' Comment

So Why Should I be Thankful?

America's Christmas Channel - GMC - Returns

Romanian Premiere of 'Demographic Winter' Documentary

Two Thirds of Women Suffer from Holiday Depression; Ministry Proposes Cure

'NET' New Cable Channel Launches December 8th, 2008

Religious Left Challenges California Marriage Amendment

Franklin Graham Visits O.C., Denver and Charlotte -- Celebrates 8 Million Shoe Box Gifts Collected For Needy Kids

Pro-Life Activists Announce Major 'Prophetic Art Demonstration' In Front of the White House during Presidential Inaugural Week

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jim Martin Supports Extreme Pro-Abortion Agenda, Says Right to Life

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund, Team Sarah Mobilize for Senator Chambliss

New Christian TV Show...Second Take

Latest Medical Breakthrough Further Validates Pro-Life Support for Adult Stem Cell Research Says Dr. Alveda King

Rick Warren and Reader's Digest Association Create A Multi-Platform Partnership to Serve Purpose Driven Readers

A Television Journalist Gives the Gift of Gratitude, Inspiring Business Executives, Politicians and Members of the Ohio State Buckeyes Football Team

Remarks by the President after Meeting with the Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson

Jury Selection Set for Dec. 1 in Trial of Unlicensed Abortionist

TV Documentary on Pornography Addiction and Healing among Professing Christians Premieres on ION Network: 'Somebody's Daughter: A Journey to Freedom from Pornography,' Airs Nov. 30 and Dec. 7

Poll Shows How Americans will be Celebrating Thanksgiving This Year

Free Christmas Gift Honors Our Military

New Book 'Parting the Waters' Tells Story of Comatose 15-year Old Who Teaches a Community About the Value of Life

Barack Obama is the Best Thing to Ever Happen to Expose Black Genocide

New Online Church Ministers to Tens of Thousands Around the Globe ...and the Number of Souls Seeking Solace is Growing Daily

Premier of 'Beyond the Dark Valley' Encourages Those Hurt by Abortion

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Psalm 23 Jewelry Develops Small Business Growth Strategy Using Local Non-Profit Developmentally Disabled Adult Organization to Position Further Growth in any Economy

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Remarks by President Bush to APEC CEO Summit 2008

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Harper of Canada Before Meeting

Friday, November 21, 2008

Proclamation by the President: Thanksgiving Day, 2008

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