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Monday, November 17, 2008

Remuda Ranch Launches New Treatment Program for Women with Anxiety Disorders

Chaplain's Online Program Gets Your Packages to Troops Most in Need

Former Hitler Youth to Appear on The Savage Nation with Michael Savage to Discuss Similarities Between President-Elect Obama and the Rise of Totalitarianism Under Hitler

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Remarks by President Bush upon Arrival at Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy

Friday, November 14, 2008

Former Lesbian Publisher Charlene Cothran Featured in National TV Show

Religious Leaders and the Protect Marriage Coalition Leadership Unite Against Vicious Attacks by Prop 8 Opponents

National Adoption Month Nov 2008: 'Bittersweet' Recounts Restoration Between Teen Birth Mother and the Daughter She Bravely Gave Up for Adoption

Child Author/Survivor and Parents Release Powerful First Book in Series for Children and Families Addressing Sexual Abuse

NY Times Distorts First Amendment to Secularize Society

Murder in Mosul Sparks Fear and Panic

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Episcopal Church Departures Accelerate with Anticipated Loss of Fort Worth Diocese

The Presidential Election is not Over

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Press Conference of the Leadership of the Protect Marriage Coalition

Give a 'Sweet' Gift During National Diabetes Month: Author Releases Devotional Book for Diabetics

Chemical Attack on Pro-lifers at Abortion Clinic Sickens Two

Sky Angel Promotes Darren Moorman - VOD Executive

Evangelism Prevails: Chicago Transit Authority Affirms Right to Preach on Platforms

Rev. Peterson: Black Preachers are Worshiping the Wrong Messiah

Restoring Storytelling: Jesus Spoke in Parables for a Reason

Foundation Combats Economic Fears by Promoting Generosity; Gives Cash to Ministries to Give Away

10,000 Masses for Unborn Babies Scheduled for January 13-21, 2009

New Christmas Song Honors Female Soldiers

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanksgiving - Should this Not be Every Day, for Christians? Why do We Wait for the World to Call Us to Celebrate His Bounty; Authors Available for Interviews

Antidote to Why Believe in a God Media Campaign

Pulling Internal Weeds: Church Counselor Shares Insight into Spiritual Weed Pulling

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to Host 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable on Challenges Facing Native American Youth

Hope for the Heart's June Hunt Receives 2008 Lilly Reintegration Award

Humanist Groups out to Ban Christmas and God from the Public Square Again This Year

Bill Mallia Hits North America with Bible League

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