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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Join The Walk...Transforming Kids Lives Through Intentional, Long-Term Relationships

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, November 07, 2008

Billy Graham Celebrates 90th Birthday

A Call to Spiritual Arms -- The Homosexuals are Banging on Lot's Door - Let's NOT Give Them our Children

U.S. Supreme Court May be Next Stop for Illinois 'Choose Life' Specialty License Plates

American Evangelists Bring Hope to the Gang Prisons of El Salvador

Pastor Publishes New Book: Just Jesus - A Praise In Poetry

How Will President Barack Obama Lead

Catholics to Protest Bishops in Baltimore during USCCB Meeting, November 9th and 10th

Jesusland Author is not Going Anywhere

Hope and Healing After Abortion: Counselor Uses Fiction to Bring Alive the True Pain Many Women Experience After an Abortion

OurPrayer Plans Special Veteran's Day Observance

Marriage Wins in Three More States

A Case for the Existence of God

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Prominent House Church Leader Pastor 'Bike' Zhang Released After International Outcry

Los Angeles Interfaith Leaders Support Mormon Church Against Attacks by Opponents of Prop 8

Dove Award Winning Songwriter Aaron Senseman Releases Solo CD 'More Than Anything' with Free Concert in Houston This Friday

In a Letter to Presidential-elect Barack Obama, MIM Pres. Bob Peters said: Your Choice is to Build on the Limited Progress Made Under Pres. Bush in Combating Obscenity or Follow Former Pres. Clinton and Give Hardcore Pornographers a 'Free Ride'

Crouse Says, 'Don't You Dare Try to Destroy Sarah Palin'

Post-Election, NY Times Still Smears McCain, Flunks Economics 101

Death Threat Issued to Operation Rescue in Wake of Obama Victory

Love that Flourishes no Matter the Circumstance

Thanksgiving Day of Prayer Event Helps Many Through Prayer

Marriage Amendment Victories at the Ballot Box

Voters Adopt Marriage Protection Amendments in Three States

Internet Addiction? Millions of Americans Admit to Compulsive Internet Use

3rd Annual Midwest Homeschool Convention Set for Cincinnati on April 16-18, 2009

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Marriage Licenses Now Reserved for A Man and A Woman in California

Statement by Andrew Pugno, General Counsel of ProtectMarriage.com - Yes on 8

Dr. Alveda King to Pro-Lifers: Forward, March

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