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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sarah Palin is an Idiot

Outrageous No on 8 TV Ad is Slammed for Religious Bigotry and Intolerance

Did Obama 'Flip Off' America

MAF Recipient of 2008 'Passion Award'

They Couldn't Answer the Question

Christians to Gather Outside the White House for Mid-day Prayer Vigil on Election Day

Ministry Offers Reintegration Camps for Military Families

Monday, November 03, 2008

JustONEJuge.com Urges Voters to Take Five to the Polls Who Value Life

Catholic Conference Condemns Outrageous No on 8 TV Commercial

Outrageous No on 8 Commercial Sinks to New Lows, Utterly Condemned for Religious Bigotry and Intolerance

Barack Obama Opposes Man-Woman Marriage Ballot Measures

Yes on Prop 8 Election Parties

Abortionist Tiller Dumps Serious Money into KS DA's Race

Strategy Against America

Before or After the Election--Nonpartisan Voter Repentance Prayer to Print & Share

Obama Is Radically Pro-Homosexual and Radically Pro-Abortion-on-Demand - and Christians Voters Should Care

Two Short Election Films to Motivate Voters in Key Battleground States

Podcast on 'How to Vote' Available for Download

Your Country Demands It Before November 4th

Key Christian Leaders Discuss U.S. Election on God TV Election Special

Dr. Alveda King: Pray, Vote, and Pray Again

Evangelical Vote Will Test Leaders' Assertions

Team Sarah, Pro-Life Reaction on Election Night

The Real Messiah

The Gazette Says Vote Yes On Amendment 48

Radio Ad: Film Star Exposes Obama (8 Cities!) -- 11.6 Million Latinos Warned about Obama's Abortion Agenda?Univision Radio Ads In 8 Cities Help Expose Obama

Publisher Helps Pastors Turn Sermons Into Bestselling Books

God's Word on How to Vote

Is Barack Obama His Brother's Keeper

Fr. Pavone to Be Available for Election Commentary

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