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Monday, October 27, 2008

Tony Nassif Available for Interviews

Obama Desecrates the Great Seal of the United States

Judge Roy Moore & Foundation for Moral Law File Brief Defending Utah Highway Memorial Crosses

Catholic Bishop John Yanta Encourages Catholics and Christians to Morally Vote Pro-Life - Bishop Yanta Available for Interviews

National Priest Leader Sends Open Letter Challenging Public Servants to Know the Difference Between 'Serving the Public and Killing the Public'

Christians Under Fire

New Website Targets Undecided Pro-Lifers with Facts, Emotion, Spiritual Adoption

Security Training: Crucial for Christians Traveling Abroad

eTeacher Brings the Language of the Bible to Life with 'LIVE' Online Biblical Hebrew Course

New Book Focuses on the Power of Prayer

George Foreman: Heavyweight for Jesus, 'Thank You Jesus!' now Available on CD

New Solution for Professional Church Music Accompaniment is Introduced by American Music Solutions

Tennessee Proclaims it White Ribbons Against Pornography Week

Holiday Interview Idea: Five Ways to Reach Out to the Newly Single During the Holidays

'The American View' Radio Program Now Live, Daily; Teaches Biblical/Constitutional View of American Law and Government

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Campaign for Healthy Families Caught Encouraging Voter Fraud in Sioux Falls

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

John McCain's Weekly Radio Address

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pro-Life Groups Asked to Send Special E-Mail: 'Where do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?' to House E-Lists - Goal: Reach Ten Million Voters

California's Largest Community College Supports Traditional Marriage

Nationally Acclaimed Pastor Rick Warren Announces Support for Proposition 8

Blacks Suspect Stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic

Women of Operation Outcry Condemn the Center for Reproductive Rights for Attacking Women, America and Free Speech at the Organization of American States (OAS)

Obama Will Slash Military Spending by 25%

Voting: What Does God Think

Atlanta Relents After One Year Battle; Allows Church to Worship

Obama Plans Tax Hike to Pay for Illegal Aliens' Health Care, Social Security and College Education

Truth Trucks Continue to Dog Obama Campaign Trail

Pro-Life Reaction to Gov. Palin's Policy Speech Addressing Special Needs Children

Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Now Available

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