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Friday, October 24, 2008

Scandal: Retired United Methodist Bishops Take Part in Non-Official Homosexual Ordination Ceremony

Anxious Voters Emboldened by Award-Winning Movie, Now Showing for Free Online

Water Missions International Prepares to Aid Honduran Flood Victims

U.S. Catholic Bishop Rene H. Gracida Releases Radio Ad Stating no Catholic can Vote for Barack Obama in Good Conscience

Election Prayer Based upon Psalms Released

4 Secrets for Surviving as a Country 'Preeecher'

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just in -- McCain Supports Parental Vaccination Choice

Hundreds of Doctors and Gynecologists Voting Yes on Measure 11

Atheist-Turned-Pastor Dave Schmelzer Discusses Both Sides of Religion on Chat

Yes on 8 Campaign Slams New 'No' Ad with Jack O'Connell - O'Connell's New Ad is Only 96% a Lie

Internet Opens Network for Jesus 2020

Obama Aims to Kill 401(k) Tax Breaks

Air Dates and Show Times Announced for the 14th Annual Inspirational Country Music Award Show

Prop 8 Helps Protect Against Human Trafficking

America in Prophecy: The Beginning of the End

Congressional Leaders Issue Letter to Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice Urging Advocating for Zhang Family

New Partnership Teaches Parents and Community Leaders How to Make Internet Filters Better with Pornography-Detection Tools

All Star Concert World Premieres on GMC This Sunday Oct. 26 at 9:00 pm ET

In a Joint Letter to Presidential Candidates, MIM President Robert Peters Says Upcoming WRAP Week Provides Opportunity 'To State Publicly That You...Support Vigorous Enforcement of Federal Obscenity Laws.'

Operation Expose: Obama Supports Driver's Licenses for Illegals

Christians Must Not Vote for Obama

Joe the Plumber, Meet Mad Mike

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

San Diego Public School Board and Teachers Oppose the CTA and State Board of Education No on 8 Stand

Yes on 8 Sends Letter to California State Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction Reminding Them of State Education Laws and Standards

Pro-Choice Talk Show Host Supports Prop 4

Top African American Religious Leaders Join Apostle Frederick K.C. Price in Endorsing YES on Prop 8

It's a Sin to be Boring

What Yes on 8 Means

Christian Experts Chat at Abunga.com About Family, Fear, Joy and Busyness

Survey Shows Majority of California Likely Voters Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

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