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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Financial Woes Top American's Prayers

Ben Stein is Coming to a Church Near You

At Least 32 Babies Were Saved From Students' Efforts During the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity Yesterday

Newsboys World Premiere on GMC Sat. 10/25

Parental Notification Initiative Leads 52% to 33% Among Likely CA Voters

Tiller's PAC in Ethics Trouble, Faces Fines

Can Fear Put You in Danger? Author Offers Biblical Solutions to an Increasingly Fearful Society

Recently Launched Web Site Offers Encouragement to Victims of Economic Crisis Facing Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Stock Market or Retirement Account Losses, and Political Uncertainty

VoteYesForLife.com Receives Letter from Sanford Health: Sanford's Policies Align with Measure 11

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October Surprise: Autism Linked to Abortion

Simple Church Planting Explained: Church Growth Pioneers Appreciated

Newscast From the Future Exposes Obama Nightmare

GospelShoe(tm) Announces Official Launch

Aid Worker's Death Brutal Reminder of Jihadi Extremism

Stellar Awards Come to Gospel Music Channel

Radicals Threaten Christians: 'We Will Make Our District Like Orissa'

Grizzly Adams Productions Locks Major TV Media Buy on 18 Networks

Democrats and Republicans are Really Alike

Marriage Referendum Leads 52% to 43% Among Likely California Voters

End the Election Ads Today: Give the Ad Money to Charity

Boycott NYT: The New York Times Smears Cindy McCain

Freedom's Defense Fund Launches Ad in Western, PA

Deception Characterizes Opponents of South Dakota Abortion Ban

Benedict Omollo Joins IBS-STL as Group Vice President for Africa

2.5 Million Member U.S. Church Body Makes Statement Regarding Same-Sex Marriage

Just Facts Publishes Fact-Based Analysis of Abortion

African American Ministers Stand for Traditional Marriage

Dr. John Howard to Speak at Heritage Foundation Book Event

Cursed or Blessed

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes on 8 Launches Statewide Bus Tour; Traditional Marriage Campaign Unveils New TV Ad

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