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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Winners Announced-14th Annual Inspirational Country Music Awards

Proposition 8: Who's Really Lying? Public Records Show Proposition 8 Opponents Want Gay Marriage to be Taught in Public Schools ? 'The Earlier the Better'

'The Shack' New York Best-Selling Author Joins Abunga.com Online Chat

Seminary Prof, Author of New Book 'A Proverbs Driven Life,' Says Nation's Financial Debacle Could be Avoided with Biblical Wisdom

Yolanda Adams & Fred Hammond Tribute this Weekend on GMC

40 Days for Life at Halfway Point: 268 Lives Saved, Hearts Changed, and Planned Parenthood Irritated

What Happened to Freedom of Speech?

Anti-Hunger Groups Unveil Plan to Cut Hunger

Timberline Knolls Uses Spirituality to 'Get to the Root' of Eating Disorders

No Prosecution, No Justice: DA Refuses to Charge Abortionist for Violent Attack

Significant Living Acquires 'Today's Christian' Magazine

Growing Up Army - Salvation Army, That Is

Obama Distorts His Abortion Record in Third Debate

Free Movie Tickets and Website for the Faith Based Communities Launched for Fox Searchlight's 'The Secret Life of Bees', in Theaters Nationwide October 17, 2008

Soles4Souls(tm) Inc., the Shoe Charity, to Partner with Opry Mills to Create the 'World's Largest Tower of Shoes'

Third Presidential Debate: Flagrant Lies from Obama

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pro-Life Reaction to Tonight's Presidential Debate

Richard Viguerie on the Presidential Debate: 'Where did THIS John McCain Come From?'

'Parish the Thought' Now Available in Paperback

Opponents of Traditional Marriage Engage in Dirty Tricks

It's No Small Production When Jim Caviezel Comes to Church

Gift and Give During this Economically Difficult Christmas Season

Catholics Applaud Bishops for Clarifying Church's Teaching on Voting to Stop Abortion Holocaust

Christianity Today Intl Announces the Transition of Today's Christian Magazine

Communitarian Heresy in the Classroom: Charles Haynes and the Bible Literacy Project

Pro-life Catholic Bishop Confirms that a Catholic Cannot Vote for Obama in Good Conscience

Colorado Personhood Campaign Exposes Opposition with New TV Ad

Obama and 3-Year-Old Curtis Cooper

Richard Viguerie: Obama's 'Spread the Wealth' Blunder Reveals His Real Goal for America - Socialism

Two More Catholics Arrested at Thomas More Cathedral in Virginia at Vigil Mass on October 12

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