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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wynonna World Premiere Event This Weekend

Yes on 4 Bubble Ad Airs Tonight During Debate

One Thousand People Expected to Rally for Vaccination Choice, Trenton, NJ, National and Local News to Cover

Unique New Reality Series

Debate Showdown -- Who Won? Conservatives Weigh in Tonight

SBA List Launches Voter Education and Mobilization Efforts Targeting Over 280,000 Pro-Life Colorado Voters

SBA List Launches Voter Education and Mobilization Efforts Targeting Over 80,000 Pro-Life Michigan Voters

SBA List Launches Voter Education and Mobilization Efforts Targeting Over 68,000 Pro-Life Ohio Voters

SBA List Launches Voter Education and Mobilization Efforts Targeting Over 81,000 Pro-Life Pennsylvania Voters

SYSN.org Announces Winner of the Flips Ahoy Contest

SBA List Launches Voter Education and Moblization Efforts Targeting Over 390,000 North Carolina Pro-Life Voters

SBA List Launches Voter Education and Mobilization Efforts Targeting Over 100,000 New Hampshire Pro-Life Voters

Peacebuilding, Military & Religion Focus of Two Free upcoming Webinars

Evangelist Priest Says Christians Should Transcend the Financial Crisis and Place Hope in God

BibleRhymes Launches 'Christmas Story', Brings Christmas to Those in Need

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Field Guide for New Believers Fills a Void

AIM Urges 'NY Times' to Tell the Truth about Obama-Ayers Relationship

Protect Marriage Campaign Staff Keeps Growing

Project to Alert The Voting Public Obama's Not Pro-life Reaches Phase Two

GMC Number 1 in New Survey

$5 Million of Consequences & Common Sense Thinking -- Will It Win the Election?

Last Minute Change Regarding Today's Funeral for Baby Shanice

Statement by President Bush on the Economy

Human Rights Office Sued for Refusing to Protect Former Homosexuals; Obama Sidesteps Defending Unpopular Minorities

Sen. McCain Urged to Address Unfounded 'Racist' Allegations Leveled Against His Campaign During Upcoming Debate

Monday, October 13, 2008

Civil Lawsuit to be Filed against Abortion Providers for Killing Baby Born Alive

Catholic Volunteer Violently Attacked for Distributing Prop. 8 Lawn Signs

Prop. 8 Supporter Violently Attacked for Distributing Lawn Signs

Proper Burial Planned Tuesday for Abortion Survivor

Prop 4 -Ballot Argument before Ohio Supreme Court

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