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Monday, October 13, 2008

Put Christ Back in Christmas with True Christmas Cards.com

Peace Gospel International Launches New Online Alternative Gift Catalog in Benefit of Native Missions in South Asia

Wayne Pederson Named New President of HCJB Global

Grandmother, 72, Violently Attacked Outside Nebraska Abortion Mill

Scrap Christmas Stress -- Discover Secrets for Celebrating Christmas in Hassle-Free Holiday Style

Brian Strake Parsley, M.D. Joins Jim Clark on English Channel Expedition

SBA List Voter Contact Efforts to Reach 1.3 Million Pro-Life Voters

Author Exposes Audacity of Hope in Time for Election

Vincent J. de la Vega Joins Jim Clark on English Channel Expedition

Author Sandra D. Bricker Ministers to Readers by Tickling Their Funny Bones

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Graders Taken to San Francisco City Hall For Gay Wedding

Prop. 8 Grassroots Efforts Spread Through the Streets of California

Bishop T.D. Jakes Electrifies South Africa

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

John McCain's Weekly Radio Address

Friday, October 10, 2008

Foul!: ABC Says Hannity Listeners Can't Hear NRL PAC Message

The Connecticut Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Freedom's Defense Fund Launches 4th in Series of Ads -- Questions Obama's Tie to Domestic Terrorist

Joyce Meyer Ministries-Relief Work in Ethiopia

Traditional Marriage Initiative Makes Gains with Young Voters

Faith Leaders Call for President Bush to Proclaim a National Day of Prayer and Fasting in Response to America's Grave Economic Crisis

SBA List President at Monday Allen County Right to Life Press Conference

Is God Using the Economy to Judge the Nation's Sins

October 18th Rosary for Unborn Babies Receives International Support

Thursday, October 09, 2008

SBA List President Praises President's Signature of Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act

Marriage Supporters Assaulted Ten Times in California, Arizona

Text of Yes on 8's TV Ad Which Began Airing Wednesday: 'It's Already Happened'

Catholics Launch 3,500 Rosary Rallies Asking God to Save America

South Dakota RTL Betrays Name, Joins with Planned Parenthood & ACLU

Dr. Alveda King - The Economy is Temporary, Life is Eternal

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