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Monday, October 06, 2008

Anglican Communion Continues to Undergo a Seismic Shift with Pittsburgh Diocese Move

Churches Nationwide Respond to Weakening Economy by Closing Their Doors on Sunday to Serve Their Communities

U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Roe vs. Wade in Award-Winning Pro-Life Movie

Dr. Alveda King: Louisiana Legislator's Sterilization Proposal Would Fight Economic Poverty with Moral Bankruptcy

Bread for the World Challenges Candidates to Address Poverty in Nashville Debate

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Faithful Catholics Arrested at St. Thomas More Cathedral

Christians to Display 16-Foot Cross and Conduct Weeklong Prayer Vigil on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol Building

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

John McCain's Weekly Radio Address

Friday, October 03, 2008

Vice Presidential Candidates Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden Do NOT Support Gay Marriage

A Spiritual Awakening: Inspirational Writings from the Holy Spirit

Dramatic Increase in Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Richard Viguerie to Governor Palin: Washington, D.C. is the Problem--Not Wall Street

Billy Graham to Turn 90: Public Invited to Send Personal Stories, Birthday Wishes

Bill Gaither Mondays on Gospel Music Channel

No Delay in Tiller Case as New Prosecutor is Ordered to Answer Spurious Accusations

Chicago Priest Turns Film Producer with 10-part, Hi-Def Epic on Catholicism

Website PrayforSarahPalin.com Plots Zip Codes and Shows Number of People Praying for Governor Palin

New Biographies on Forgotten 'Uncommon Christian' Evangelist James Brainerd Taylor

Thursday, October 02, 2008

'She is Back' - SBA List President on Palin VP Debate Performance

Investors Recognize Jim Clark for Integrity

John Jay Institute, Acton Institute Partner in Film Premiere

Pastors Unite to Protect Marriage

YES on 4 Ad to Debut Tonight During VP Debate

Doctors Hold Press Conference Friday, October 3 -- Measure 11 Does Allow for Medical Procedures for Rare Condition of Twins Depicted in TV Ad

Memory Cross Partners with LifeWay Christian Stores and Need Him Ministries this Halloween to Fulfill Jesus' Commission to Go Into All the World and Preach the Gospel

Ambulance Transports Another Injured Woman from Tiller's Abortion Mill

Breast Cancer Cover-Up Featured in Two You Tube Videos

Host Desecration Videos Back on YouTube

All Invited to Join in Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting to Honor Memories of Children

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