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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

'The Fine Line: A Rally for Youth, Young Adults and Parents' on Oct. 1 at the Rock Church in San Diego--and Simulcast Throughout California--Will Tackle the Issue of Faith and Same Sex Marriage

Jim Clark Receives Ethics in Business Award

The SAICFF Blazes Trail for Filmmakers: All Semi-Finalists and Finalists to Receive Distribution Contracts

Complaint Asks for Emergency Suspension of Tiller's Medical License

Catholic Clergy Call on YouTube to Remove Offensive Videos

New Book Exposes Readers to an Unseen Enemy in the Church

Richard Viguerie: House Republican Leaders Falsely Attacked Their Own Members, Hurt Their Party's Chances in November, and Should Resign

GFA Leaders in India Join Dharna and Peace March Against Persecution

Debut Novel Unleashes God's Fury

One Nonprofit Doesn't Want Your Money for Hurricane Ike

Former FLDS Member Reveals the Truth Behind the Headlines in a New Book

Pastors Discuss Their Sexual Addiction in TV Documentary - 'Somebody's Daughter: A Journey to Freedom from Pornography' - Set for this Fall

Zondervan Launches Bible Across America Tour, Invites 31,173 Americans to Handwrite NIV Bible

Finding Good Fruit on the Internet: PickAFig.com Offers Social Bookmarking for Catholics, Pro-Lifers

Uncle Sam -- The Biggest Crook in America

New Novel Examines a Life or Death Choice

Compact Car to Drill a Well in Ghana

Monday, September 29, 2008

Press Conference: 86 Virginia Pastors Ask Gov. Kaine to Reinstate 6 Police Chaplains Who Prayed 'in Jesus name'...State-Wide Prayer-Rally Contemplated

Fireproof Sets Box Office -- and Amazon.com -- Ablaze

Statement of Rabbi Yehuda Levin

Richard Viguerie: Bailout Defeat Shows Power of New and Alternative Media and is Evidence of 'A Permanent Shift in Power from the Establishment to the People'

Pro-Abortion Forces Air TV Ad That is Deliberately Misleading

Tiller Patient Feared 'They're Liable to Kill Me' During Botched Abortion that Hospitalized Her

Main Street is Blinded by Wall Street

Protect Marriage/Yes on Prop 8 Campaign Releases First Television Commercial: 'Whether You Like It or Not'

Viguerie Predicts Bailout Supporters Will Be Challenged, Defeated In Primaries, General Elections

Remarks by President Bush and President Adamkus of Lithuania

Phyllis Schlafly's Compelling, Pro-Family Voice Inspires Radio Audiences for 25 Years

National Host of 'Financial Issues Live' on What Bailout Means for America

The Most Segregated Hour in America May Finally Change with the Help of TheNewCulture.org

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