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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

'Chad's Triumph' -- Comfort and Encouragement for Hurting Families

Access to CatholicSingles.com Absolutely Free This Weekend

Congressmen Personally Confronted by Priests, Dr. Alveda King, and Former Abortionist on Meaning of Abortion

Finding the Perfect Match

Atlanta Proclaims Gospel Music Heritage Month

Marriage Proponents Physically Assaulted in Santa Rosa, California

Geisler Resigns and Goes to New Seminary

Gospel Music Heritage Month Going Strong on GMC

Spinal Cord Victim Finds Himself at Spiritual and Physical Crossroads

Would Jesus Eat a $28,500 Dinner While People are Homeless from Hurricanes and Struggling to Keep a Roof Over Their Heads

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pro-Life Organizations Launch Nationwide Campaign Against Planned Parenthood

Gods Eye World Outreach Solves Great Commission Outreach Dilemma

Pro-Abortion Forces Deliberately Mislead South Dakota Voters About Initiative Measure 11

The Upcoming National Elections Could Decide Whether This Country will Remain Free or Not -- A Call for National all Night Vigils of Prayer on the Eve of the Elections

'Demographic Winter' Message Well Received at 2008 Values Voter Summit

McCain, Obama Reps to Discuss Human Rights and Religion

EWTN.com Presents: A Guide to Catholic Teaching and Voting

Nation's Leading Eating Disorder Treatment Center Launches New Program for Boys

Operation Rescue Endorses South Dakota's Measure 11

Bishop Thomas Weeks III Appears on Youth & Young Adult Program to Promote Kingdom Unity & Healing

Congressmen Personally Confronted by Priests, Dr. Alveda King, and Former Abortionist on Meaning of Abortion

A Former Member Testifies to the Dangers and Dysfunctions of the Jehovah's Witnesses

Kids Teach the Darndest Things

Operation Freedom Bell Campaign Joins Beth Moore, LtCol. Oliver North and Travis Cottrell Together to Provide Delivery of Bibles to U.S. Military Troops Throughout the Holidays

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bishop Thomas Weeks III Appears on Youth & Young Adult Program to Promote Kingdom Unity & Healing

Extremists Launch Attacks Against Christians in Second Indian State

Learning from Obama: What Non-Profits Can Learn From This Fundraising Power-House

Richard Viguerie: It's Sarah Palin's Principles, Stupid

Water Missions International Deploys another Five Water Purification Systems to Storm-Ravished Haiti

Tiller Motions Blame Kline, Operation Rescue for Legal Woes

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