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Friday, September 05, 2008

The Arnetts Appear on BET's First Original Sitcom 'Somebodies' Tuesday, September 9th at 10PM

McCain Played to his Strengths and Gave Substance to Change, Crouse Says

Christian Author Launches New Site

CWA of New York Fights for the Lives of Special Needs Children

Exactly What Pro-life Voters Needed to Hear

Freedom's Defense Fund Launches Ad in Battleground Michigan

Zondervan Announces New Biography of Sarah Palin

Excessive Flooding Blocks Aid to Hurricane Victims in Haiti; Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Operations Hampered

Richard Viguerie: 'Cranky Conservatives' are Responsible for Sarah Palin Pick; Conservatives Who Kept Silent Deserve no Credit for Selection that Saved the GOP

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Remarks by John McCain to the Republican National Convention

Knights Sponsor Chicago Conference on Abortion's Effects on Men

Choose to Change Your Life

Palin's Faith Front and Center as John McCain Gives Acceptance Speech Tonight

Beijing Book Store Owner, Shi Weihan, Barely Recognizable to Close Friends Due to Extreme Deterioration of Health

India Supreme Court Orders More Police to Orissa to Protect Christians

Top Three Election Issues for Active Christians

Truth Truck Exposes Obama at RNC

Awana Streamlines Operations

Mexican Supreme Court Upholds Legalized Abortion in Mexico City District

Would Susan B. Anthony Vote for Senators McCain or Obama

Jury Rights Day September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin and Family Shown to be Admirable and Normal

Wedding Ring Donation Charity Calls on Orange County to Give Back

October 18th Worldwide Rosary For Unborn Babies Gains Support

Artist Captures Christ's 'Finished Work' in New Cross Sculpture

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Richard Viguerie: Now We Know Why Liberals Hate, Fear Sarah Palin; 'Sarah Palin is the Next Ronald Reagan'

American RTL Action Rebukes Dobson for Breaking his Pledge before God

Appalachian Advocacy Association Exposes Corrupt Public Officials in Tennessee

Parental Involvement Laws are the Norm Nationwide

India, Orissa's Christians Flee Genocidal Violence

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