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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

YouTube Censors Investigative Videos Critical of Planned Parenthood

Historic Gathering in New England Set to Honor God's Name

Monday, September 01, 2008

California's Premiere Pro-Family Policy Organization at RNC

Gustav: World Vision Teams Assist Evacuees in Jackson and Dallas, Prepare Response

Labor Day Blessing: SBA List President Praises Latest Example of Palin Pro-Life Values

Catch Bill Mallia in the Bahamas Aboard Carnival's Imagination

Palin Unplanned Pregnancy -- Also Randall Terry, Operation Rescue Founder, to Hold Press Conference during RNC to Announce Sit-Ins, Protests, and Further 'Peaceful Civil Disobedience'

Statement from Sarah and Todd Palin

New Political Action Committee Exposes Barack Obama's 'Black Liberation Theology'

Statement by the President

Civil Society Delegation Meet the President of India, Seeks Legal Action Against VHP, RSS and Bajrang Dal

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Remarks by the President after Briefing at FEMA

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Friday, August 29, 2008

American RTL Fails to Break its Own World Record

GFA Work Hit Hard by Bihar Floods

White House 'Compassion in Action' Roundtable Highlights Successful State Service Strategies

Pastor Bike Mingxuan and Wife Released from Detention but Prohibited from Returning to Beijing

Indian Christians Come Under Attack from Hindu Extremists

Frederick County Right-to-Life Gearing up for '40 Days for Life Tri-State Kick-Off'

Water Missions International Prepares for an Active Disaster Season

2008 Republican National Convention Commentary: Remarks on Vice President as Prepared for Delivery by Jessica Davis, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Public Policy

Richard Viguerie: She's Perfect -- With VP Pick, McCain 'Unites the GOP, Gives Conservatives a Stake in the Election, and Puts a Real Reformer on the Ticket'

Christianity Today's Unique Politics Blog

National Right to Life Praises Palin

McCain Chooses Palin, a True Christian for VP

Rev. Schenck Meets and Talks Church with Sarah Palin, VP Pick for McCain

McCain Pick Good for Pro-Lifers

The Selection of Gov. Sarah Palin has Electrified the Electorate

Secular Windfall to Boost Gay Influence over Churches

Sarah Palin Will Make History

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