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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Prop 4 Fact Check

Opinion: Obama is Fit to Be Commander-in-Chief

The Sacred Mint to Give Away 500 FREE Cross Necklaces

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything on DVD

Pro-Life Activists Plan Peaceful and Prayerful Protest Outside of Senator Obama's Hotel in Denver This Evening, August 27

New Book by Peace Activist Priest John Dear, SJ, Recounts Life of Civil Disobedience

Servant Leadership Team Tackles Everest Base Camp

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Overseer Reuben Littleton Discusses Kingdom Issues on KAU RADIO

Michelle Obama Gets an Eyeful of Abortion as Truth Trucks Confront Her at DNC

International Petition Campaign Launched to Free Arrested Senior House Church Leader, Pastor Zhang 'Bike' Mingxuan

Catholic Clergy Correct Misrepresentation

13 Pro-lifers Arrested at DNC Convention; 2 Roman Catholic Priests, 1 Baptist Pastor; 9 Men and 4 Women go to Jail

'Obsession' Documentary Receiving Mixed Response at Democratic National Convention

New Angel Book by New York Times Best-Selling Author Offers Proof of God's Care

Pastors Attacked, Believers Killed, Churches Destroyed in Anti-Christian Rampage

'Rush Tell the Truth About Romney'

Prominent Evangelical Shows Discretion at DNC Convention

Tragic and Widespread Anti-Christian Violence in Eastern India

'Pro-lifers will be Arrested at DNC' Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue

Expert Analysis: Faith and the Issues at the National Conventions

Warning -- Romantic Apathy Runs Rampant Among Christians

Monday, August 25, 2008

New TV Ad to be Aired During DNC Convention by Florida Stealth 'Gay Rights' Group in Florida is Both Factually Wrong and Attempts to Deceive Democrat Voters

Ron Paul Endorsement of Don Young 'Shocking and Disappointing'

'Watch Obsession' Volunteers Distributing Thousands of Free DVD Copies of 'Obsession' at DNC

Black Republican PAC Releases Ad Critical of Senator Barack Obama

Thousands of Latinos Gather for AFM Rally on Eve of DNC Convention

New Christian Investing Website Arms Christian Investors With Tools Needed to Clean Up Clients' Portfolios

Pastor Attacked, Churches Burned in Wake of Swami's Murder in Orissa, India

Sky Angel's Production Company Offers National-Level Expertise to Businesses, Ministries and Organizations Everywhere

Four Athletes Whose Testimonies Were Distributed in the Underground Church in China Win Medals and Give Praise to God

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