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Monday, August 25, 2008

Gospel Music Channel, America's Fastest Growing Cable Network, Partners with FrontGate Media for Exclusive Development of Digital Media Promotions in the Faith-Based Market

40 Days for Life Campaign Coming to 170+ Cities in US and Canada this Fall

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Luis Palau's Hometown Cityfest Draws Throngs to Hear the Gospel

Democratic Convention Begins with Thunderous Denunciation of Abortion

Pro-life Activists and 'A Prayer for Change' Announce Schedule of Events at the Democratic National Convention for Monday, August 25

Small Victories Exposes the Truth at Obama-Biden Rally

Christians Condemn Violence, Killing of VHP Leader; Hope Peace will be Maintained in Orissa

Saturday, August 23, 2008

DNC Invites Radical Islamic Speaker to 'Interfaith' Gathering

Obama, Biden, Abortion, and the Catholic Church: Protests, Vigils, Banners, and Lit Drops Begin at Catholic Churches -- Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue

Who is Joe Biden? Take the 'Biden Quiz'

PFLI's Brauer Comments on Proposed HHS Conscience Regs

Fake Christian Picks Fake Catholic for Vice Presidential Running Mate

Black Leaders Gather in Denver to Decry Black Genocide During the DNC

Radio Address by the President to the Nation

Pro-life Activists Announce Saturday and Sunday, August 23 and 24, Schedule of Events for 'A Prayer for Change'

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pro-life Activists Announce Saturday and Sunday, August 23 and 24, Schedule of Events for 'A Prayer for Change'

'Party Crashers;' Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue, Announces Civil Disobedience Times and Forums to Disrupt DNC Events

National Latino Leaders to Stand Together in Denver to Honor Marriage and Family

Third Day Premiere on GMC

Proposed Regulation Would Protect Health Care Workers' Rights Says Fr. Pavone

African-American Author Challenges Her Own to Stop the Violence

Conservative Evangelical Leader will Travel to Denver

Hodari Abortion Mill Charged with 12 Counts of Illegal Medical Record Dumping

Today Pro-life Groups Will Announce Final Plans for Public Demonstrations and Vigils at the Democratic National Convention in Denver

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Bible School Shifts Missions Paradigm in Latin America

Sending the 'Very Best'?

Abunga.com Shifts to Weekly Online Author Chats in September

Detained Yemeni Christians Face Possible Torture & Death-ICC Initiates Petition to Secure Their Release

Presidential Report Card Shows Big Difference Between McCain and Obama on Moral and Family Issues

Pro-life Groups to Announce Final Plans for Public Demonstrations and Vigils at the Democratic National Convention in Denver

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